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| Onbur || Gladiator of GLADIATOR |
| Str: 19(19)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 19(70h) |
| Int: 18(18)^2 || Class: ranger Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 21(21)^2 || Race : feral Align: evil |
| Dex: 24(24)^3 || Hp : 449/859 Exp : 94340/438460 |
| Con: 18(19) || Mana : 320/666 |
\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 430/430 +Hit: 28 +Dam: 20 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |
| Slash : -271 || Spell : -1 || Faith : Combat |
| Pierce: -242 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 230/350 |
| Blunt : -219 || Maledictive: -11 || Items : 32/41 |
| Magic : -188 || Mental : -25 || Prac : 3 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 0 CP: 1.0k |
/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \
| 13 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |
| You are a ghost. |
| [SAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |

Level  1: axe                100      dagger              99      
flail 100 spear 100
sword 100 whip 99
parry 103 staves 1
recall 100 staff 102
Level 4: camouflage 100
Level 5: dirt kicking 100 keen sight 81
Level 6: fast healing 90
Level 7: scout 1
Level 8: kick 1 second attack 100
Level 9: shield block 77 butcher 80
Level 10: herb 88 ambush 75
Level 11: disarm 76
Level 12: blind fighting 100 quiet movement 98
Level 13: enhanced damage 100
Level 14: hand to hand 100 two handed 100
Level 15: haggle 77 barkskin 84
camp 78 **** 51
Level 16: meditation 100 fired weapons 100
Level 17: dodge 106 tame 76
Level 18: lore 1 dual wield 100
Level 20: warcry 80
Level 23: beast call 82
Level 25: third attack 100 **** 76
beastmaster 100
Level 27: pugil 100
Level 28: dual parry 103
Level 30: ranger staff 76 **** 100
group herb 80
Level 35: **** 76 mind link 96
fury 96 horn of nature 80
Level 38: **** 52 **** 76
insect swarm 84
Level 40: pack call 76
Level 43: staff expert 100
Level 45: horde 77
Level 50: exotic expert 100

Well, I honestly don't have the time or inclination to play anymore. Onbur wasn't supposed to go much of anywhere, I made him to be a toon I didn't have to train, just powerrank to 50 and get into a few fights. I got the chance to get into WM and took it, and much more quickly than I ever have, or thought, I was T. Soon after life called and now I can't log in for very long, or very often.

Shout outs: To everyone that killed me(and you were many and varied): Very classy play all around. I was never once full-looted, and only things people needed/wanted were taken. I've never had a character that could come back to their corpse and still have most of my stuff. That was probably a huge part of me sticking with it as long as I did.

To Lytholm: Sorry I can't stick around. I hate to go right after I got T, but such is life.

Please deny me, and I didn't get a chance to drop/sac my rares, so please put those back into circulation.

Closing thoughts: I don't think I'd play another feral, or beastmaster ranger again. Fighting giant melees is waaaay too hard when they can just lock me up. I also never had the gear to compete. Fighting mages was rough as well, since I again, didn't have the saves to compete against Sepahoona or Vakuul. Beastmaster could use a buff(to me anyway), but it might just be because I'm not that great. Lastly, I think I would have done better in Barb, but I didn't want to have to get consumables(lazy, goes with the training bit.)

Edit:Forgot some stuff.

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Definitely not. I'd been thinking about this for a couple days. I've died and had a few pieces taken here or there LOTS of times, which is why I actually kept going as long as I did. I just got a new job, and I don't need this keeping me up all night when I have to work the next day, etc.

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