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heh, yet another one bites the dust.


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After seven months I had some free time so I picked up the game again, and I made an ogre warrior(because i like hp) and got him to like..24. While i was training someone came and attacked me. And of course, being in the middle of training, I died. Now, this isn't a flamebait, it's more of a "Once again, I realized that I suck at this game, and am just going to stick to the forum." The killer knows who he is. Rock on man, you kicked the crap outta me.

The point of this post is actually to mention something funny. I knew I was about to die, and being as impetuous, impatient and impulsive as I am, had 'delete delete' all ready for when i died. It said "You are dead" and the next thing on the screen was "You have lost your connection." heh.

I didn't think I could type that fast.

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Where you the ogre warrior that had a thorn blade (sword) and that was hunting in the Forest and Tombs from rank 20-22 with a Invocker and a Monk ?

Want an advice roll another character, one that requires less training and goes by like a tower.

A human Paladin.

You can be always prepared, you dont have mutch things to train or need to other than defences. And you still can take most people out.

An ogre is a power horse or a crumbling shack depending on the situation.

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Yeah, that was me. I've considered paladins, but I suck at playing goods, I always get impatient and try and kill everyone. Not that I ever succeed, but trying always gets me in trouble. :-p I'll keep that in mind if I decide to try again, thanks.

And, normally i don't have that much trouble with ogres, but i hadn't trained yet so i got my face pounded in.

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Get a Follower of Purity, you looked as you can RP, surely you can even make an atempt to Avatar.

And you can clean the whole who list of evils because that is the role of a purity follower. (or try at least)

I still would like to know why evils can Pk at will and good cannot.

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I personally think that you should not have deleted so quickly because of a death on an ogre warrior. Ogres can be killed quite easily if you got the know-how to do it. It's very tough to handle one correctly too at higher levels. If you want to learn and survive in the lands, you gotta brush the dirt off your shoulders, grab some equipment and keep on marching.

(In my opinion) *wink*

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I personally think that you should not have deleted so quickly because of a death on an ogre warrior. Ogres can be killed quite easily if you got the know-how to do it. It's very tough to handle one correctly too at higher levels. If you want to learn and survive in the lands, you gotta brush the dirt off your shoulders, grab some equipment and keep on marching.

(In my opinion) *wink*

Unless your me, Ive learned in two pins what most people learn in two deaths.

and ive played since 1.0 lol

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I think you know that it's unreasonable to conclude that you suck at FL because of one death on a lvl 24 ogre warrior. It's even unreasonable to conclude that you suck at PK. But even if you did suck at PK that doesn't mean you suck at FL. There's a reason there's no score kept of PKs. What determines if you are a good player is if you develop a good RP and stick to it, including fighing the battles you should fight and role-playing the deaths or victories as you should. Some people are PK powerhouses and many of us envy them, but that's life. Play a power combo, play a defensive class, or just RP. But it's part of what makes the game so addictive. So either quit or suck it up.

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Yeah don't giv eup on the whole thing, I still suck at pk, but i'm learning with every death I take. Eventually you'll get it. I've been in your spot before and took some time away then, perhaps that's what you need a little time away from FL to gain a little perspective. Ogre's are FUN, but require dedacation, especially when it comes to taking deaths.

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Guest emp_newb

my suggestion. Roll an elf/human cleric follower of purity. Chill around thirty for all the evil; applicants. That will refine your pk and at level 30 if you train. A cleric is nearly unkillable if you stay in guild/clanhall til you have spells up and can do what you need to and get back. But chill for a bit. Remember why you play fl.


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I gotta say I thought I sucked at FL for a long while, I kicked some serious but on AR for a long while but then had a 1-2 year vacation and went to FL, the learning curve was huge but trust me, keep at it and you'll be able to play with the best o' em.

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