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Kurx is deleted.


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The player of Kurx wanted me to post this. I do not play him. Kurx has been deleted for the following reasons :

(1) The Tribunal issues as noted in previous sections.

(2) The vampire issues as noted since the dawn of time.

(3) The conjointed Tribunal and Vampire issues as noted in previous sections.

(4) Kurx was played by Savnt just to poke at the player base a little bit. He had his fill, and will be heading back to RL again.

Kurx :

"As noted, there had been an issue with militant sigils and the standpoint at the time was sigils should not be militant. Most just picked them due to the souped up power. My point with this is, now there is an issue with council doing the same thing. Yes, you are a vamp. Yes, you are invincible unless you do something stupid. Yes, you have multiple times more captures than any of your other members. The arguement of "Because he is a skilled pk'er doesn't stand.

At no time should a member of council hunt criminals while there are other adjudicators around. That is a breach of rp. You chose your line of work, deal with it or change your subcabal. If you don't then there is no line between the two, and there shouldn't be subcabals. You are a good pk'er, in culmination with the uberpk race/class, in culmination with skills that make people just throw up their hands once it lands... because you can use it in town, out of town, and all around. I came back because people were messaging me and talking to me about this stuff even though i didn't play. I wanted to see for myself, made a pinn, and low and behold.... they were right.

I have no issue with the rest of tribunal, as I proved they have a weaknes, after assassinating pretty much all of them repeatedly. The ultimate issue here is a class/race/cabal that can get to anywhere, anywhere, anytime, and keep them there to out melee/spell... and does. I've played a vamp, and know the nuances. And I think I was killed once over a four month period, due to lag. I am not an uber pk'er, I've been around for a while... but it got to the point where I would not even use my skills or spells just because I didn't have to. I would go in to fights unsancc'ed... just because.

Now, I am sure you will all say "It can be done.... vampires are not crazy uber elite." Great. How many times have you personally killed a vampire? Most of you, even if you don't have hands, would be able to count it on your fingers. In fact, I would guess all of you have not killed one at pinn, and if you did, it was a shoddy vampire who made enormous mistakes. I did it once, and almost finished up it twice. I did it because the vampire in question was being overly confident and fought without his skills or spells. The second time because I was decked and had the Tribunal goodness with me.

I've always been against vampires because I've known why they were created, and the reason has long since passed. I've spoken Athaeketha, and also a couple of the AR gents. The general idea I've come up with, is vamps... because of their natures... should not be caballed. Period. Dot com. End of story. Without character assassination, look at martineius' rp :

He is a vampire who loves poetry and whatnot... and just so happens to not drain corpses anymore really... because he executes instead. So he kills mobs and drains them sometimes.

~===(Vampire lore would make him very weak and frail then.)

He is a council member who just so happens to catch more criminals than his adjudicators... and hunts them when the adjudicators are around.

~=== (picture president bush on, with a military fedora... making an armed charge against the enemy, bayonet in hand.)

To me, none of this makes any sense.

In closing, I am aware I am going to be attacked by everyone and their brother on this passage. "Don't be an outlaw then." "Don't commit crimes." All that. Fine. I would request one thing though. If you are going to make a comment like that, perhaps answer the following :

(1) could you personally stand up to him, and kill him?

(2) why haven't you?


Well, anyways. He said he is done. ~Grosek

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You know, I think this really does hit the mark regarding tribunals. It's not tribunals that are overpowered, as was pointed out numerous times, but a tribunal vampire that is overpowered. Take out tribunals out of tribunal vampires and you get vampires. As pointed out tribunals have skills almost specifically designed to keep them alive through gangbangs, thus adhering to new character standards. Give them to a skilled player playing a vampire and you get an overly powerful character.

Tribunal Vamp = no no.

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Guest emp_newb

Shame to see you go really. But it has been said and dissected in other threads. And this match up was used exclusively. A Feral Ninja fighting a Vampire is a losing fight no matter what. Especially since the particular vampire is a very skilled one, With some rather ruthless abilities. I am sure it gets frustrating.

Good luck in the future.

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I am also completely fine with Tribunals as they are now. What I find overpowered is the vampire tribunal. I won't even bother articulating all the reasons, they have been said, and though I have some more that may not have been, I won't introduce them here. Simply my opinion based on experience.

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Not all people try to kill him. Most try to avoid him and still get slammed.

If your point, Fiere, is to be recognized. You would need to say, "Don't get wanted." Which was already discussed as a moot point. Else, Martin is coming for you... not you him.

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Martineius is well played, uses his skills and abilities to full use, but he has been taken out. Ive died to him a number of times, I lost intrest in my watcher when he became an outlaw but mainly due to time constraints. I think it is rather bad form to cuss the character Martineius and the efforts of the player, who has put a lot of time in for the whole community that plays fl. He has power in the skills and abilities he has but he also has a good deal of responsibility, fair play to him I say.

And I think the worst thing to do is think out someones rp and its limitations for yourself, its their character, that they have put time into developing, the imms monitor and if they disagree with any of it especially being a qrace they will make themselves heard.

And come on lads lets keep it friendly, no need to hurl crap at each other and get forum/game banned.

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This thread is locked and done for excessive personal flaming, Sneak and Acerbity you are one step from a forum ban.

You will obey the rules, you will not flame, you will not try to push others to break the rules, you will not flamebait.

These forums are a privilege, not a right.

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