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Props to Jhorik


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Major props to you, whoever played Jhorik. I never once saw you go OOC after a death even though people killed you all the time, and gave you a lot of crap. I salute you for playing him through to condeath, and not worrying about all the things you lost, etc. Congrats on making cabal with Jhorik (I assume probably your first char...).

And don't get discouraged about your pking. Way back when I started I didn't get my first real pk until about my third char (second pinn). It'll come with experience, just go ahead and roll another.

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I took his last death.:(

Hahaha, you're.. well.. I can't say your name.. But hahhahaha He yelled at me about that on AIM.. sooo very humorous.. Wow that was funny he was like, "damn.. I just got challenged by ******* and then he/she attacked the Warmaster halls, then he/she con deathed me.... damn..." :D

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