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Event Proposal (Moved from IMM Only)


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I like the LI change, but thats just me. Its common knowledge that I hate LI in general, being one of those 'asses' that killed for EQ instead of tripping (and LI is generally used by the decked, not by those that have rags, to this completely ruins my party). In regards to looting your weapons sandbox, they either went to the bountier or I required them. I wouldn't have looted them just for kicks and giggles.

From the point of view of someone who hasn't touched the mud since deleting Philantees, I haven't even really hard the urge to play. The time vs enjoyment ratio of this game just doesn't make sense. I cant remember how many hrs I played on Philantees, what was it, around 700? Well, even after all that I didn't feel like I had accomplished much except a bad rep. Thinking of even rolling a new character was almost frightening. Time to rank, time to train, time to equip, wait on apps if necessary, its all huge. I don't have a couple of hundred spare hours. I am at the stage in my life where I consider that there are things I could be doing that could be making me money with that time, or at least giving me more enjoyment for my time. Thats for a whole other thread though, however, I think everything in the game needs to be 'sped up' quite a bit. Many say having to spend all that time doing these things gives you a better connection with your character. Well, thats no good if you dont have the time available to begin with. I got rare purged twice on Philantees as it was.

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The event sounds like something very, very cool. Time permitting (and time zone permitting..) I'd play.

As for people getting killed, loots and the rest of this thread, I have a few quetsions:

1) When was the last time those who are so bitter about full loots actually got full looted? Let me be clear - I don't want to hear about how you lost half your rares or five pieces that took you ages to get (because you consider Ice Armor and Terminators baseline eq anyway). I want to know the last time you came back to your corpse with zero, nothing, nada and bupkis in it?

Personally, I can't remember the last time - probably before the stone golem changes (of which I was a user at every opportunity I got). When I'm looting these days I have to 'prioritise' and either take what I want or what they want. If I get eight pieces I consider it a success considering how fast most people are at running back to the place of death. Ironically, the players I can full loot I never do. Unless you run your mouth I tend to let you go these days - then again, there are a whole lot less people with bad attitudes than there once was so perhaps its not just me going soft ;)

2) With the whole this person just kills me for free because they have more rares and not matter how many rares I have I cannot win debate - try to understand:

* Class vs class matchup plays a large part in this. As much as many, many skilled players won't admit it to you when they go killing for rares they target classes they have an advantage to. They avoid class that will hurt them etc.

* Like Auzzie said - classes that are more rounded are a bit easier. Same thing here - some classes have more good matchups and less bad matchups. Look at a warrior killing for eq vs a bmage vs an invoker. Especially if they are all after a berserker.

* Cabal abilities help too - some players can fill rather large holes in their eq due to their cabal selection. Weapons for melees can be filled. Consumables can be 'on call' They can find you anywhere.


Sandbox: Stop lying to yourself. You are good enough to beat down anyone here. You just gotta believe and learn to make the right choices under the pressure of PK. Treat the guy like a scrub and you'll find you can kill him like one :cool:


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I think having fun in FL is a choice. If you don't have fun, you don't want to. Learn to RP, if you don't need to learn - Do it. I always have fun playing. I get frustrated when I get beat down, or when I can't kill that certain person, but you can always make the experience enjoyable. If you it isn't it's because you're choosing to be put off.

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