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Custom Client?


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A custom client being telnet?

...That doesn't even come stock with newer windows anymore.

I kinda stopped mudding. I said my goodbyes here ages ago. I occasionally poke my head in to check how FL is doing, voting when I do. As my first real MUD home I want to see this place thrive.

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Peras, do yourself a favor and install a virtual machine for Windows and just use that when you MUD....mac is seriously lacking in the great MUD client department.

edit: and don't take that as a biased windows user....I play from a 27" iMac when I'm at home

I don't take it as bias. I'm well aware of the lack of Mac MUD clients. I've had trouble installing Windows on my Mac, though, which is why I was curious about the custom MUD client.

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Does this client allow for string highlighting and coloring? Can it be used with a Mac? I'm getting tired of my lack of ability to highlight.

Tinyfugue. Do it. Let me know if you need help with syntax.

I'd suggest compiling it yourself. I'm running ver 5 beta 8. Might be a newer version out, I haven't checked in a year or two.

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  • 3 months later...


Instead of making a new thread I decided to reply. (I dug this up to be certain.)


Was the newer website thrown away in favor of this old cheesy one with bad music or just some technical issue?

*crosses fingers* Please be technical.

Also, the website Crypticant made http://www.aabahran.net/ ...Why not get in contact with him and see if we can't get them both redirecting to the same webpage? It would be much easier and better to get new people for one, current, website.


I like the professional look (minus the copyright image issues) of the one Crypt made.

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If you're looking for a great client that's mac compatible I suggest Mudlet. I use Mudlet on Linux which is the primary operating system it's designed for but there's a mac version with full compatibility, and I believe there's a Windows version that's a version behind but still great.

It's pretty comprehensive.


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