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A fushigi is a steel ball encased in acrylic. The ball is slightly off center so it looks wobbly when you use it. There is also a slight mold seam on it. A regular CJ ball is a clear acrylic. No seams or 'tell' marks to tell if it's turning or not. I personally use acrylics, vinyl stage balls or a 4" stainless steel ball.

My favorite is the steel. :)

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A fushigi is a steel ball encased in acrylic. The ball is slightly off center so it looks wobbly when you use it. There is also a slight mold seam on it. A regular CJ ball is a clear acrylic. No seams or 'tell' marks to tell if it's turning or not. I personally use acrylics, vinyl stage balls or a 4" stainless steel ball.

My favorite is the steel. :)

I don't get it, is such a ball a cheat to contact jugling or something? Why would it create a 100 page argument?

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No not a cheat, but that is how it's advertised. The commercial implies that there is a gimmick and it's easy. It's not, it takes practice and skill. Performers are now getting less tips and less gigs because the public perceives the gimmick and no longer impressed. It's actually affecting their lively hood since many depend on the tips for their living. The fushigi marketing strategy is opposite of what CJers stand for.


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