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No Aliases!

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I reckon I belong to the old school rollers too.

My first char in fl 1.0 I kept when I rolled a 34! (ogre warrior)

I still roll manually. First I just roll around 100 rolls. Then I go for the highest of those rolls. (Usually miss it around 4 times because I hit enter too fast)

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Wow...I play with like...0 aliases.

Maybe an emote related one every now and then but...fighting. Cheap..

I completely and wholly, 100%, disagree with anyone who says aliases for combat are cheap.

They are a completely legal tool that are there for us to use. If it is your wish to not take advantage of that, well, thats fine, but just because other people are using their brain and using alises doesn't mean it's cheap. :cool: You might as well be saying "Hey, I'm not going to use this elite EQ I've found, it's going to give me a big combat advantage!" :)

I'm not the most accurate typist ever, I'm quite fast but sometimes I slip and hit other keys. I think L-A's guide sums it up well; I don't want to be chasing an almost dead foe and having all that "If you want to MURDER, spell it out!" because I've accidently missed a letter. Without aliases, there is simply NO way that I can walk into the same room as somebody I am chasing (so that implies that they are running) and type 'murder peter' faster than they can just type 'w' or 'n'. Sure some people can, but I bloody well can't.

Again, in my view, saying "Hey, don't use the advantageous system of alises when you can type it out and say you're a real pro." is the same as saying "Hey, don't use that really powerful sword/strong armor, use this poor one instead, and prove you're a real pro." :D

Using the same analogy, there are many skilled players out there that rely on their typing alone, as well as many who can kill wearing absolute junk. But those same players that kill in junk, are even bigger monsters in uber gear. You players out there that rely almost completely on typing alone - tell me, other than wanting to increase typing skill, why would you rather type "murder john" instead of "mu john"? or "shieldd" in combat as opposed to "sd", "shi", or whatever you'd alias shield disarm to? In my view, unless you find the shorter commands hard to get used to, there can only be advantages to using aliases.

Perhaps if the alias system didn't exist, then things would be different. Typing accuracy would be part and parcel of being a skilled player. But the provision for aliases is there. You can be damned certain that I'm not going to pass up on anything that can provide me with an advantage.


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It doesn't hinder me to type, especially since I'm so used to it if I went to a system of alias' just to save a few keystrokes it'd probably mess me up pretty bad. There are enough shortcuts for me already with autoaim and whatnot, sometimes I do misspell shielddis though!

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I usually set up an alias based on who I know I'm going to be fighting. If I get jumped, or don't really prepare that far in advance, I don't set up anything. I've found that it's really useful for drow clerics. Hard to type "cha(rge) p(erson)", and still expect to hit 'em if they're decent.

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Dey: I just said the word cheap. That's my opinion about it, though its a very loose one. It doesn't bother me at all that people use them. The system is there, take every advantage of it that you can. And for the record, I never said I was pro by not using aliases. I just choose not to use them.:) Again, I don't have a problem with other's using them, I think it's great for people such as yourself who might have trouble typing once in a while.

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