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Istendil & Rygsne


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Hey guys,

Not sure how to put this. I won't be able to be playing either of these characters for at least a month, maybe two, so they might get auto-purged from cabal and as characters. Some very personal things happened today with me and my land lord. This is the second time that he has decided it's okay to unlock my front door's deadbolt, and door-lock, and walk in uninvited. It is not in our lease that he has the right to do it, either, and pretty much broke in.

This time, I was home. I flipped out on the guy, pulled a gun on the guy, and demanded that he got out. I was -this- close to pulling the trigger while he tried to explain himself, saying "I thought someone had died in here, I was knocking and knocking!". Well, the landlord and I have been in touch over the phone regarding rent and other things (I'm about 4 days behind now, was waiting on financial aid / grants from the college) so his excuse his moot. I also have a doorbell too which he didn't ring. I'm usually asleep at that hour, too, so I was lucky I was awake.

Long story short, I called the police and they said they couldn't do anything about it, that it was a 'civil case' and that I would have to hire a lawyer/attorney just to find out if:

1. It was against the law.

2. If the lease agreement FORBADE him from entering (apparently you have to put in the lease agreement that he can't come in when he wants.)

3. He had any right to go into the house.

For one, I don't have the money to waste on an attorney to figure all of this out. I don't have the time or the energy to wait for the court to do something about it, while in the mean time he can retaliate and go into my house. My wife is home alone at least 12 hours of the day since I work at night and she goes to school in the morning. He could just, lawfully (cops won't do ****) unlock my front door, open it, walk in, and do as he pleases. That won't due. I fear for the safety of my Wife more than me (since I'll shoot him if he comes in again) and if I were to shoot him I'd go to prison for murder/manslaughter (not sure which yet). So I've decided to get up and go. He'll get $10.00 for rent from out of state a month since I'm going to be using the rent money to get out of here. At this point, I'm at wits end. I've been arguing with the police for the last 3 hours.. and I'm just done. It's time to go.

So, when we move ,of course I won't have the luxury of playing the MUD. I POSSIBLY might be on in the next week (I'm out of here hopefully by next monday) but it'll be very rare. I don't want people to think I left just because or anything, because I didn't. Life > Mud.

On to the shoutouts, since I don't know if I'll be back in time:

Anamus : Istendil despised you when we first met. You were rude, never said hi, and seemed very haughty. Of course, Istendil couldn't voice that opinion (except perhaps some attitude you may have understood in the beginning) because he was "passive." Eventually, though, I came to understand you and not dislike you so much. I think Istendil might even like you now, since most of your views align with his.

Zaruuk : Tough luck my man. Time after time after battle after time.. you tried so very hard to take me out. Then the opportunity arose, you caught me in a bad position, and bam, you had it stolen right underneath of you. I'm so sorry you never had the luxury of killing me. You definitely deserve that promotion. Keep your head up.

Joliah : Not much to say except that's very interesting RP you have. Praetorian/Sigil mix (maybe?) and I really hope you go for Praetorian. Definitely not Sigilistic, but regardless, I enjoy your rants and raves.

Thran : Enjoyed every moment with you. Even though you were the epitome of the Praetorian, and I the Sigil (I'd like to think anyway) we got along very well. You would have definitely got E before me had you been able to stick around... but once again, that dreadful thing called life got in the way!

Tybby tyb : Interesting RP there man. I can't grasp my head around it.. I seriously don't know what to say sometimes to you. Definitely got something going. You'll go a long way, I hope, and you play a healer like it should be played. If my healers could have gone praetorian they would've, but, you should do very well.

Depravikant/Peras/other Nexus : Hardly saw you guys. Maybe once or twice and even then it was just enough time to swing swords. Not much time to RP with any of you.. but it's kind of hard when you all have to leave when I arrive, or just don't come around when I am. Not throwing any insults here, but if I ever sounded.. frustrated, that you guys were leaving every time I logged on.. it was because I thought you guys were avoiding me. Nothing personal.. and all speculation. I didn't go OOC about it though, and did my best to keep the in game frustration 'readable'.

Amaruil : I'll be honest. I hated you when I first met you. *WHIP SLASH WHIP SLAP KICK BITCH-SLAP*. Pretty much all I got out of you the first time we met. And of course, Istendil clashed with a Praetorian IMM. You had such different views than Istendil did, that it really put me off for awhile. I had to leave for about a week because I didn't know how to 'handle' the situation between me and you. To put it short, it felt like I was doing EVERYTHING I could possibly do absolutely wrong. And it felt like I was getting no where. So I changed the RP up a bit, RP'd Istendil growing some balls and becoming hardy.. and I hadn't even got to that point, first couple days I got back, and we sat down and talked. Got Elder'd, and everything fell into place. Not so sure, though, if I agree with the way you handle things in a cabal. You would have done oogles better as a Syndicate/Nexus IMM! (Or come to think of it.. Tribunal too)

Volgathras : Some good RP with you as always. Hard though to be any prideful when I need to be humble and stuff, but Istendil vowed that he'd change your view and 'save' the shell that you came to inhabit, eventually. Maybe he still can down the road. Classic IMM.

Oppressant : I don't really have much to say about this character. Except, wow, you oppressor, stop the crap! Really hard to RP anger with you with those laws you passed -- but eventually I'll find a way around it. I never really liked the fact that a Tribunal could hide behind whatever law he wanted, if necessary, to the point where if the Tribunal just didn't like the way you talked, they could mark you. And then use their guard to punish you sideways. ;) You used that law making system very well, I'll give you that, and especially opened up many venues to RP with others.. except it's hard to RP with you, of all people, if I can't explain how my char feels without being outlawed/marked since it would give the Knights a bad reputation/kill innocents etc. If Tribunal was an all evil cabal I would have declared war on your behind ages ago. Too bad it isn't.

Darthys : I let you study me the first time around. I was bored, very bored that no one would fight me, and then I saw you following me all around. I was hoping you'd fail (obviously) and poison decided to dissipate the moment I walked past you. Good job on the kill, classic. I still can't get passed how you killed me fully prepped, awake, and not blind with assassinate. I really hope those changes soon go in.

Istendil's score:

You are Istendil, loyal believer in way of Compassion and powers of Life.
Level 50, 59 years old (485 hours).
Race: human Sex: male Class: paladin
Hometown: ValMiran Alignment: Good Ethos: neutral
Oracle of [SIGIL] with 5158 crowns to your name.
You have been cleared for a promotion in the ranks of [SIGIL]
You have 949/949 hit, 517/774 mana, 467/467 movement.
You have 17 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 33/37 items with weight 330/425 pounds.
Str: 21(21) Int: 20(20) Wis: 20(20) Dex: 20(20) Con: 16(17)
You have scored 426002 exp, and have 54598 gold coins.
Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds.
Luck: You feel very lucky.
Wimpy set to 500 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -242 bash: -232 slash: -219 magic: -252
Save vs Spell: -32 Affliction: -45 Malediction: -21 Mental: -31
You are almost invulnerable to piercing.
You are almost invulnerable to bashing.
You are almost invulnerable to slashing.
You are divinely armored against magic.
Hitroll: 42 Damroll: 33.
[KNIGHT] forces are aiding your healing.

This is after I was full looted and was able to get a few things back/replace others.

Onto Rygsne! Had a blast, not much to go as far as Shoutouts (except to perhaps Jaspurr and Heiku for being my top customers) but I enjoyed thoroughly being a Merchant. Very fun cabal, extremely fun and cool skills. I raised around 18 million gold in the short time I was in merchant, about 200 hours or so. (maybe less). Thanks to everyone who bought/bargained with me. Those who attacked me, well, I put million gold bounties on their heads. Never been able to do that before!

I really really really wish I didn't have to go. I love both of these characters and have put a lot of time into them. I'm not done with them.. but life comes at you hard and fast. I hope you all had good experiences, as I did.. and I hope I didn't ruin it for anyone this time around.

See you all in a couple months, I hope.


So I've set everything up. Tomorrow morning I'm off to get a storage room and then going to move what I can from inside the apartment to there. Then I'm going to fill up the car with all I can and taking off to Boise. Then from there, back down toward Georgia. I finally got a hold of a Lieutenant in the Police force and he recommended I leave, since the laws in Idaho are BS. So next week Monday I'll be taking off. This whole week however I'll have some free time. In the mean time I went to go get some Door bolts (the ones that cross over on the inside so people can't come in if you're home unless you open the door) and come to find out my front door is has metal sheet around it. So scratch that.

So now I have to resort to a chair underneath the door knob while I'm at home, I can't let my wife stay home if I leave.. I have to get rid of 6 cats (2 of my cats had a litter of 4), I have to quit my job with 1 week notice, and my wife has to quit her job. On top of that, when I get out of state, I'll be speaking with the lieutenant again to press charges when I return for my things. I have a small case, but I have a huge case against him for harassment against my wife because I have phone records, employee testimony from her work that he comes in to harass her, and of course him walking into my house.

Still sucks I gotta leave.

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Imo' date=' you over reacted. But then again, I don't live in America, guns are very uncommon here and I don't even know a single person that owns one. Is he really that much of a shadey character to be soo mad at him?[/quote']

I value my privacy and my safety. I don't care what kind of guy he puts out to be, he walked into my house. Un-invited. I care for the safety of my family and anyone I might be 'housing' at the time (mostly family). Sorry but no.

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At least in Australia, there is an implied term in 99% of rent/lease agreements that even though the landlord is the actual owner of the property, the lessee or renter has an equitable interest in it. That means they're entitled to the 'peace and quiet enjoyment' of their property, since they're paying money for it.

I'm fairly sure that unless you're in serious breach of your lease agreement (causing noise, running a brothel, dealing crack) or something, he can't just walk in without your permission.

I don't know about the U.S, but in Australia there are community legal centres you can call or go to for free legal advice. They don't represent you in court, but they help you with things like writing letters, asserting your legal rights, and they'll tell you what the next step is if you are at your wits end about what to do regarding some legal issue. I suggest you get online and see if there is such a place in your area.

And I'm pretty sure that unless you could prove you were in immediate threat of robbery, kidnapping, rape or death; shooting your landlord is murder, even if he comes in to your place ;p

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You can stay in a place for something like 2 months without paying anything, legally. You may lose in court and end up having to pay everything you owe....but for those 2 months you can save up to get out, etc. They cannot legally force you to leave until the courts have settled on the eviction. And you can tie that up in court a lot too.

Nekky - Here in America, in some states, it is within the law to shoot someone on your property if they are uninvited/'break in'

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I think laws about tenants and landlord's are prob case by case basis considering there is a written contract in most cases. I am sure each state has their own laws. I am no expert on the matter so my opinion is just an opinion.

I personally do not think you over reacted at all. There should have been some kind of verbal warning/door bell/knock without him coming into your residence. I believe in the shoot first ask questions later method of approach. We do have "King's castle" here in Oklahoma which allows you to shoot first ask questions later. If they come into your house unauthorized they are automatically considered a threat to your life. Hence why I have a Glock Model 27 with one in the chamber.

Sorry to hear you are having such troubles. Honestly, for whatever reason he was in there I am sure he won't be coming back in unannounced considering he was at gunpoint.

EDIT(Forgot what the thread was really about, ha): Good job on your character. You pretty much mopped the floor with my current character when we fought.

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I had immense fun rping with you as Thran, indeed I thought we had both sides of the Knights well understood and rped. It was a blast while it lasted. I had no idea you were the druid however. That comes as quite a surprise. Two VERY well done characters from my interactions as Thran.

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imo, the moment you bring guns into the situation that's when it becomes unreasonable (again, i'm from nz) UNLESS it was a complete stranger, different situation, bring out the glock, or the baseball bat, but it's your landlord dude.

Gunslinging cowboys :) (the smiley face is my insurance to say I'm only kidding, but not really)

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I understand you live in NZ, and that your neighbor you've probably known since Kindergarten, but this guy has been 'iffy' since we moved in. The only reason we did move in was because we -had- to, and there was no other place.

He has been harassing my wife for some time now. He has entered our house twice now that I'm aware of without our consent, been coming to my wife's work to talk to her about rent, etc. He even calls her instead of me, when it's obvious I'm taking care of the bills (and making the money).

He's a coward. Who knows, maybe even a pervert -- but I'm not sticking around to find out. The reason I -didn't- shoot him was simple: I'd never see my wife again. Never touch my wife again. And she'd hate me for it. Guns are a deterrent as well as a way to protect my way of life.

I was in the right, IMHO.

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Noone has the right to enter your property without your agreement. NOONE. This is one of the most fundamental rights. Did he overreact? Perhaps. He is in his right though.

Of course people will say, it is not his property... that is his home though. He pays for it, he cleans and lives in the place. Man I get mad even when I read this. I've dealt with such things in my life too (we used to have a crazy neighbour who was claiming my brother had extraordinary abilities and was constantly chasing him), you can't even imagine how disturbing and disgusting it is (that guy who used to chase my bro was claiming he was spying on us too).

You feel so helpless because you CAN beat the guy phisically, but you are not allowed to.

Best of luck to you. Sometimes life has such surprising "presents" stored for us. You just don't know where the problems are going to pop out from.

That being said, I am going to miss Rygsne.

As for Istendil, I've had quite some interactions with you on a wide range with my characters. Starting from Vakuul who was chasing you when you were a youngling at your pinn, to trying to annoy you once you got decked. Istendil was one of the characters I felt helpless against with my invoker. It was like I was fighting a rock. Well played, nice RP.

Come back when you can.

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Didn't have the pleasure of interacting with them, but I heard nothing but good things about Istendil, and I was personally very pleased that he came up right after I retired Teladrien and left Knight without a paladin - from what I've heard you gave them a far stronger one than I had the time to. :) (P.S. And again, I really enjoyed our bouts as Teladrien vs Valkynsra - I had a combo advantage at first, but you adapted remarkably well and we ended up being a pair of brick walls slamming into each other before I quit.)

As for your landlord situation... certainly contact a lawyer, if nothing else just for some quick advice (also, quite seriously, lawyers are scary when you're talking about legal contracts with people, and simply having one present when discussing things can make everything go a lot smoother). Get in writing that your landlord cannot enter on a whim, but at the very least requires some sort of notice or written agreement with you - my lease requires a 24-hour notice before landlord entry. It's very important that you keep everything you agree to in writing, and if you can get a notary or other witnesses present when signing things, that's even better.

P.S. While I don't agree that killing someone simply for walking into your place is acceptable, I can certainly sympathize with the emotions behind that desire (I'd label pulling the gun on him a bit excessive, though again, understandable), and I fully agree that him entering without any notice or permission is also not acceptable (legal according to your rental agreement and local laws or not, it's damned rude). If your lease doesn't have a clause requiring such, demand that one be added to it, and take him to court if you have to.

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Zavero is correct that each lease is usually on a case by case basis because a written lease agreement is usually in effect. In my experience, nearly all lease agreements are 'pro forma' and contain a clause saying that the tenant cannot be unreasonably hassled by anyone, even the landlord.

Even if the lease agreement doesn't specifically state "The landlord cannot come in and bug you without your consent", courts will usually say that such a term is implied, even if it's not there in writing.

If he's making you really uncomfortable, maybe get another bolt put in that only you have a key to.

Also, I stand by my advice to seek a local legal centre, or free legal aid type place. I'm sure they must be around somewhere. I have referred countless people to the one I used to be a lawyer at and they always found help.

They could:

1) Help you draft a formal letter to your landlord telling him that his

behaviour is illegal and that you will pursue legal action if he doesn't stop.

2) Tell you what your options are, tell you who you can consult, and

generally give you a better idea of where you stand and what you can do

about your problem.

At least that's what the community legal centres here did, and it's all free.

Pali is also correct that lawyers are scary. 6'8 lawyers are even better *flex*.

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If he's making you really uncomfortable' date=' maybe get another bolt put in that only you have a key to.[/quote']

Now that Nekky has mentioned this, why didn't you have this already?

When I was a student, the first thing I did when I moved to a new flat was to change the lockers.

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I probably would have done the same as you in all of this. My loved ones always come first, and I would do anything to protect them.

I do hope you'll get to play your characters again soon. I liked them both, the few interactions I had from them. I apologize if I gave the impression that I was trying to avoid Istendil, but I have never logged off because of someone logging on. Hopefully we'll be able to butt heads again.

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Two fantastic characters. I very much respected Istendil, but you have to remember the cabal behaviors that were going on when I stepped into the role of Knight IMM.

Not every goodie is a touchy feely tea party type, to use some older terms, and you better believe an elf called back from endless extraplanar wars against demons is going to be a bit rough around the edges...

Istendil was a great example to all Sigil and very well done, I enjoyed the intellect behind the character and am glad that he was able to bear the burden of leadership in a military organization with some history of insubordination. It's not an easy task, but he set a fine example.

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Go to Texas if you're worried about defending yourself in a home invasion situation. Hell there was a guy who defended his neighbor's home and didn't even get arrested. It isn't right, but a lot of time land lords do come in, but if that dude was harrasing you guys, screw that, he's seriously lucky he didn't walk into some people's houses that I know down here.

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