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First off, this isn't a delete thread.

But I am not going to be playing him again for a while.

This was my first char since Gruudik well over a year ago and he helped me realize that I wasn't ready to play a strait melee right now. I did learn alot and I want to thank Anume and Volgathras especially for helping me and giving me a chance. I really enjoyed rp with Akhagrik though I seemed kind of lost with Depravikant, the rp I had intended to have seemed to get stale after a while and I know I can do better. I am going to dabble a bit with a few others classes, my schedule is crazy right now though but I find time to play.

Far too many shoutouts to give but Zaruuk and Zetskuo were two that had a big impact on Akhagrik. I am still editing the major rp session I had with Volg before I got demon but am going to submit it for posting eventually. Volg always knows how to make things epic.

The Beast will awaken!

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I really liked Akhagrik. Peras found him sort of like a kindred spirit. When Depravikant was born, Peras never really got to know him, as Peras knew he was no Akhagrik. He never did seem anything like Akhagrik, so props on that. You obviously know how to RP, so I look forward to interacting with other incarnations of yours. Good luck with your next.

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Because Foxx, when you've played just about everything to 50 5 times then it's time to play something new. And I had only played one demon before Depravikant, warrior was always a class I wanted to take that direction. But once I get my feet wet with more pk and get the ball rolling again I'll be back.

And Volg, c'mon yall got to give me the boot if you want me out. I'm here until condead or L.

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