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I'm taking an extended break from Peras, likely long enough that her rares and Cabal position will be gone (I'll deal with the IG consequences when they come, if that's the case). There are a lot of reasons for this, but mostly because I'm not feeling it right now and have lost a lot of my time to play. If I do decide to get rid of her, I'll post her stats and hidden RP logs and all that. I'll leave the shout outs for then, as well (who knows, maybe I'll pick her up again soon).

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I agree with man boobies, Nexus is not a very good decision for a cabal if you are a new person. Hell I am not a new player and sometimes it's hard for me to deal with all the aggression going on in there :P

I hope you come back soon, your RP was rich and enjoyable.

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