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Week 9


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Just over halway done with the semester. Feeling major burnt out.

I know what I'm doing in December to rejuvunate, but when you were going to college, what did you do to ease off some of the stress? Mind you, I need something that doesn't consume a lot of time as I'm working full time and going to school full time plus I have a family, so nothing time-commital.

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Work a little, take a break, work a little, take a break, work a little, take a break.

If you get burnt out on a topic, see if you can step away from it for a day and come back to it fresh.

Buy a Syma s107 toy helicopter and play with it (tell your wife its for the kid).

Eat proper meals, get some fresh air, take a shower, sleep for 8 hours.

Give your wife a rub down.

Do your work in a different place than usual to shock it out of its day to day droning behavior.

Drink some white grape-apple-peach juice.

Troll forums.

Remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place.

Remember that in other countries, they work harder than you and get paid less and have less freedom.

You got a long way to go buddy, don't give up!

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Remember that in other countries, they work harder than you and get paid less and have less freedom.

Many other countries get much more vacation time than workers in America do. Don't even get me started on "freedom".

edit: oh and to Valek, I think the key is enjoying what you're learning in school as well as what u do for work. Sometimes that can be hard with pre-req classes and such.

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When i went to college, or rather some equivalent here in germany i did

- sell golden tequila and oranges out of my window (bad timing in winter)

- trained hot girls in martial arts by beeing the big boy they knock on hard

(had some special suit saving my genitals(- -)i really miss that stuff nowadays)

- was rhythm guitar(lend guitar)in one rock band,keyboarder in some bebob club and singer or rather "the voice" of the "Vomit Gurglas" some very very ugly punk scenario, hehehe, maybe someday i tell that story,

wild wild memories!

where was i, aaaaah, yeah, what to do to reconfigure my mind in college time...

actually reconfiguring my mind with physical approach like aimless 40 pound bowshooting,sauna and some good rest did some sort of reboot.

Remembering theese days, i wonder, how did i have so much time and energy.

Of course i messed all up, did not finish my history studies, went away at 5th semester.

Make sure, somehow, to have reason to remember theese times kindly Valek.

You sound, a little, like your overdoing yourself.

I know, i know, rough times,... here and now,..but its also the only, here and now!

Greetings from the pit


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