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Bash and Bodyslam


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DAMN you body slam!!! lol

i jsut wish that there were more skills, that could be used, so one wouldnt have to rely on one tectic to beat someone. Enlarge, sanc, ect. bodyslam.

thats just me thoug. shrug :)

The only way bodyslam is beating you as a "one tactice to beat someone" is if that giant has a high enough hitroll to outperform your defensive ability. Other than that, the zerker has to use other skills...each one of those gives you a chance to flee and counter with a tactic of your own. Bodyslam is not a one-move check-mate.

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yeah, im not going to post logs or anything. but. Bodyslam has killed me 4 times in the last like 24 hours.

so mr. beer icon. I beg to differ.

Advice: beef up your hitroll and means to make yourself not quite as laggable.

Edit: I realize it's sometimes easier said than done. I'm only sharing a small amount of what I do when I have an enemy zerk on my case. The rest is up to whatever you regularly do for preparation.

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Atticus i appreciate your dedication to your class - but balance in FL is about more than one class. I played an invoker for best part of 2 years and smoked countless zerks, and the flip side i got destroyed on a semi regular basis by a couple of well played monks and a particular demon warrior (still gives me shakes - damn you Talimee!)

I've since played a couple of less lagg resistant characters (a ranger and a monk) and had all sorts of trouble with characters with decent lag skills. A well played ninja is a 100% win against anybody who can't lag them..against someone who can lag them, they will get beat up if the lag lock holds, that is balance in itself.

TBH i actually think ninjas and thieves don't get owned hard enough by lag techniques, I played an avian ninja awhile back, and with access to scrolls and herbs I found it reasonable easy to get -300 to -350 ac, combine that with their inate bash resistance and I don't think i ever got 100% lag locked as long as I made sure to bug out AS SOON as they went for lag techniques.

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Hehe. Which one of the two Knight Elder invokers were you?

Purikant was fun, yes.

As to bash, bodyslam, it becomes (mostly) useless if it is a prot shield class. Slam less so as you have a chance to knock off the prot shield. You can evade long time lags usually quite well if you pump up your ac. Against some forms of lag enlarge helps too, against others it does not.

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