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Clans/cabals and groups


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Ok, I know that if you are in a cabal you can assist a player of the opposite alignment and can be civil even if you are lifelong enemies ie: undead and healer in savant. But what about grouping?

In a cabal can you group?

And in a clan are you able to group, since if you are in the clan together you are already stating that them being evil/good doesn't matter as much to you as it does to other people.

Just wondering where the line is drawn and what is acceptable, my entire time here I've stuck to cabals that had a requirement that didn't have this problem. Damn Tribs

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Think of it like a normal organisation.

There are people within it who dont share the same values, beliefs or moral compass as you, but you still work/participate in an organisation. You also dont go out to interact with people you do not like/feel have vastly different beliefs/moral compass.

So no, just because you share some similar ideals, does not mean you have to interact with them in any way that your character would find unsavory.

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you CANNOT group with an evil if you are a good, and if you do you will be outcasted with a loss of spell/skills dependent on your RP.

Even in Savant.


Savant Mysterum Elder named Aarianna, Fae Invoker. Obviously good aligned. Preached tolerance through enlightenment (a common theme in Savant). Spent a lot of time co-existing with evil's who actually outnumbered her in Savant. One day, one time, she joins a group that is a neutral leading, an evil from savant, and the Fae. Was immediatly outcasted to neutral, losing some spells.

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Great, thanks everyone! Personally I think it doesn't make sense and should be as long as the good isn't helping the evil hurt another good or an evil hasn't helped a good defend other goods he hasn't betrayed or turned on his alignment. But I don't make the rules so guess some members of my cabal are f'd.

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