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Tiny Tyberidis


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| Tyberidis || Sigil of SIGIL |


| Str: 17(17)^1 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 63(204h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: healer Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : halfling Align: good |

| Dex: 25(25) || Hp : 799/799 Exp : 54760/507640 |

| Con: 16(19) || Mana : 950/953 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 416/416 +Hit: 17 +Dam: 17 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -371 || Spell : -4 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -377 || Afflictive : -13 || Weight: 268/305 |

| Blunt : -375 || Maledictive: -26 || Items : 33/41 |

| Magic : -297 || Mental : -15 || Prac : 24 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 39k CP: 1.8k |


/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


accession 80 armor 92 barrier 75

bless 89 calm 92 cancellation 83

comprehend languages 82 continual light 75 create food 99

create spring 86 create water 75 cure blindness 100

cure critical 82 cure disease 100 cure poison 96

cure serious 75 curse 75 detect evil 90

detect invis 90 detect magic 89 detect traps 100

dispel evil 99 dispel magic 94 dispel undead 75

divine intervention 75 divine retribution 94 Heiku Skill 100

esuna 75 faerie fire 78 faerie fog 75

fast healing 91 flail 78 fly 89

gate 100 knight skill 76 group recall 75

haggle 75 hand to hand 78 heal 100

healer staff 75 knight skill 77 holy water 75

identify 85 infravision 75 knight skill 79

invigorate 75 know alignment 75 knight skill 100

locate object 86 mace 100 mass healing 75

meditation 100 parry 100 pass door 97

prayer 95 protection 99 protective shield 100

recall 100 refresh 80 remove curse 77

restore faith 75 resurrection 100 sacrifice 75

sanctuary 100 scrolls 75 second attack 100

knight skill 82 shield 91 shield block 100

spirit shield 76 staff 75 stake 75

staves 76 stone skin 90 summon 83

trance 100 turn undead 90 knight skill 77

vitalize 76 wands 75 knight skill 86

whip 84 word of recall 80

Irumeru looks well upon you and grants you knowledge.

I loved seeing this every time.^^^^ Even though I have no Idea what it means.

Zaruuk - Classy Character. I thoroughly enjoyed having you as an enemy "Child of Irumeru"

Depravikant - Man, so many fights, won some and lost some. Always because of your Lore.

Heiku - Man, my favorite and you left us. We could have carried our fued on for a long time.

Istendil - I always enjoyed talking to you, but Tybs was very much intimidated by the other knights. I am sorry for the messed up notes but playing a dyslexic halfling who can not count past 42 is harder than you think.

Shufei - You were always Tybs hero, in his mind there was nothing beyond your power. Good Luck.

Jaspurr - I never backed down. Lionhearted to the end.

Anyone I left out, it is not because you were not special, only that I do not want to write a book.

I would like to end with saying that when inducted I had only mastered two or three spells. Resurrection being the only one I was worried about. I did not feel like a half witted halfling would have the foresight to master all of his prayers. Even so, I did well with him and had a lot of great interactions.

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The "grants you knowledge" bit is receiving an exp bonus, usually given for good rp / behavior. If you are below level 50, you get exp. If you are at 50 already one of your skills improves randomly. Exp bonus can also be negative (penalty).

If you ever make another char who writes such notes I'm going to slay them just out of principle ;):P

We'll see you back around once your internet issues are fixed.

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Exp bonus can also be negative (penalty).

That's just great... Now I'll always wonder which it is...no matter what the situation. :'(

Croyvern, I hope to see you back in action soon. I interacted with Tyb a time or two on a few char's...I rather liked him. Aside from this character, players like you shouldn't go anywhere.

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