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I have to give Props to Malchaeius. God you are fun to RP with! <3!

As are all the other Imms.

Along with their dedication to this game and the RP that is undeniably some of the best I have ever seen. It will be no time soon until we are back to 100 players!


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I'd personally like it if you kept these kinds of posts to the prayer forum. It's kinda like you're throwing it in those players' faces that don't get to spend time with Malch and you somehow want to feel special in front of the forum users. Post in the Prayer Forum since that's who it's to.

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Let's all chill.

Thank you for the props. Nice to hear, but we do what we do because we love the game. Still, always nice to hear that you all enjoy it.

As for props, eh, I don't see that it's any different than giving other players props (which others have been doing), but let's not run up too much bandwidth with them.

And I'll lock since your message was received.

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