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Ambellina, and Azzar


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Ambellina is gone already, Azzar is soon to follow. Bear in mind this is not some rage post here. I am sure a few people noticed Azzar is not active alot anymore, I just keep losing to dumb circumstances, and can't seem to stay on my feet. Also every death I take results in 5-10 rares crumbling, it just gets a bit old lol.

Azzar really did not have alot of friends, or allies. The few people I interacted with on my way up are gone mostly, and I rarely had cabal allies log due to play times because all these people are definately active.

Azzar was more of an expirement than anything. I enjoy the synergy of fire giants with fire weapons, it really is a huge boost. I remember ages ago Gomanhor posting that training was pointless, and I wanted to test it. Now I can say that training does make a difference, but it really only matters vs extremely decked opponents. I took out a fair amount of people, alot of decent cabaled chars. Had some REALLY good fights. All in all I rate it a fun experience, but after making x enemies, it really is hard to actually train because most of my time was spent gathering consumables, or fighting, or trying to recover X lost items.

Had like 11 masteries, 7 of which start mastered or at 100 :)

I still say FG zerk is the best zerk :)

I will be logging a bit later to cabal leave. Dont worry, no rares to sac (thank you rare problems)

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