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Had a lot of fun playing this one, though it got a little boring at the end. All I ever got to do was fight Izlo every time I logged on. Have to give you major props bud, you came a very long way from when I was beating you around left and right. This was Orlick at about his prime. I tried a lot of things, switching between combinations of ac, hr/dr, and saves equipment. This is the suit I think I did best in. Basically I went all hr/dr, have to thank Suunmar for that nice set of leggings that gave me just about my only saves :) . I guess you probably have them back now.


| Orlick || Gladiator of GLADIATOR |


| Str: 24(24)^5 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 55(374h) |

| Int: 18(20)^3 || Class: ranger Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 15(15) || Race : ogre Align: neutral |

| Dex: 18(18)^4 || Hp : 1314/1314 Exp : 155750/421450 |

| Con: 24(22) || Mana : 730/730 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 418/418 +Hit: 69 +Dam: 65 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Eshaine |

| Slash : -426 || Spell : -17 || Faith : Nature |

| Pierce: -413 || Afflictive : -32 || Weight: 234/525 |

| Blunt : -423 || Maledictive: -11 || Items : 34/35 |

| Magic : -318 || Mental : -13 || Prac : 1 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 51k CP: 4.2k |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


Level 1: axe 100 dagger 100

flail 100 spear 100

sword 100 whip 85

parry 100 staves 100

recall 100 staff 102

Level 4: camouflage 100

Level 5: dirt kicking 100 keen sight 95

Level 6: fast healing 103

Level 7: scout 1

Level 8: kick 100 second attack 100

Level 9: shield block 100 butcher 93

Level 10: herb 97 ambush 91

Level 11: disarm 89

Level 12: blind fighting 100 quiet movement 100

Level 13: enhanced damage 100

Level 14: hand to hand 96 two handed 100

Level 15: haggle 100 barkskin 100

camp 78

Level 16: meditation 100 fired weapons 100

Level 17: dodge 100 tame 82

Level 18: lore 78 dual wield 100

Level 20: warcry 94

Level 23: beast call 98

Level 25: third attack 100 archery 100

Level 27: pugil 100

Level 28: dual parry 97 <--Heh, dunno what happened here

Level 30: ranger staff 76 fletchery 100

Level 35: mind link 100 rapid fire 100

Level 38: insect swarm 86

Level 40: bowyer 77

Level 43: staff expert 100

Level 45: marksman 100

Level 46: melee 100

Level 50: weapon expertise [ 1] <--Never ending up deciding on this either

Wanted to finish mastering those 95+s, but I guess I'll show anyways.

You have mastered the following:

1. cabal

2. axe

3. dagger

4. flail

5. shield block

6. spear

7. sword

8. dirt kicking

9. dodge

10. enhanced damage

11. kick

12. parry

13. second attack

14. third attack

15. fast healing

16. haggle

17. meditation

18. staves

19. recall

20. cabal

21. dual wield

22. blind fighting

23. barkskin

24. camouflage

25. cabal

26. cabal

27. cabal

28. staff

29. mind link

30. two handed

31. fired weapons

32. pugil

33. fletchery

34. archery

35. staff expert

36. cabal

37. marksman

38. rapid fire

Strangely enough, the most fun I had on this character was probably before I got into WM/Battle. Had a great time running around with Ixsasicor and Meqizix like every day, doing all sorts of things. Equipping, trips, gear, and just having each others' backs. Really hurt me when I went WM and had to kill you a bunch Meq :( . I considered leaving because of it, but it was a nice twist in our friendship.

After that, probably a bit after I got WM, running around and fighting tons of challenges with Grom, Bazin, Brothem, Senrail, etc. Props to all my cabal buddies, we had fun.

P.S.: I'll put a copy in Shoutouts for those of you with current characters.

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Man i had alot of fun with you back in the day of the warmaster prime, everyone just sitting in the Ford haveing challenges, like four challenges going on at a time. I am sorry me and you could not ever get in our ten matches, but once you started using insect swarm on me i never stood a chance against you again. So i figured you were the better, i enjoyed you being my division leader though, I respected you more than all the other warmasters because we related more in our battles.


Kyantok the prince of blue scales.

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