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Well he's gone, requested denial just now. I sac'd his rares so you'll find it all in circulation.


| Ardian || Scribe of HERALD |


| Str: 18(18)^8 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 312(79h) |

| Int: 25(25)^4 || Class: healer Ethos: lawful |

| Wis: 20(20)^9 || Race : elf Align: good |

| Dex: 23(23)^5 || Hp : 705/717 Exp : 20607/549193 |

| Con: 16(16)^2 || Mana : 658/1373 |

\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 557/557 +Hit: 16 +Dam: 14 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malanith |

| Slash : -607 || Spell : -26 || Faith : Greed |

| Pierce: -610 || Afflictive : -30 || Weight: 218/325 |

| Blunt : -613 || Maledictive: -35 || Items : 35/40 |

| Magic : -464 || Mental : -20 || Prac : 20 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 510k CP: 780 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| 0 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |


He only died once which was to Vindis who funnily enough I'd like to thank the most. Ardian didn't meet many people because of my random play times, I didn't get to finish the rp I had for him but it has nothing to do with anyone here. I felt that with finals coming, the wife, and the kid I didn't have enough time to play and was cutting into those three more important things. I might come back once things are settled down more but for now you won't be seeing me in game. For the new players I want to say this place is very addictive and during my almost 9 years here I've had a blast and thank everyone for that.

I think when I come back I'll make something more active, and join a cabal that has an army.

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That was fully spelled up, I almost wished I'd made him a halfling for the little bit more lol. I'm still around just alting it right now until finals are done and I'll have my two glorious weeks out of school. I hadn't played a healer in a long time and thought I'd enjoy it much more but didn't. In 80 hours (and I play at peak times) I got to resurrect 3 people. Two were newbies who didn't know what it was, one of which complained about the nerf placed on him and one was rp'd. I tried other times, had 5 people decline it and one of those flat out said he was better off without it.

I think next I'm definitely going to play something more aggressive and time consuming. If I do make another healer I'd only do it by rping towards being a merchant.

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Sad to see you go. But you should definately make something for warfare' date=' it's far more interesting than being a herald. I wish we could have intereacted more.[/quote'] Nothing is more interesting than being a Herald. Shame on you Dale. May a centaur god sit on you. And yes I said sit, I did not mistype and forget the H. Heralds are by far the most fun. Sorry to see you go Hilltop. I had hoped you might go quite far with this one. I liked this character and had interactions with you with more than one of my own. Good luck on the finals, and come back awesome after the holidays.
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