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A Final Farewell


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Well, it is finally time I cut my losses and say goodbye to FL for good. I have taken plenty of short breaks. This is my last goodbye since the first day FL was up.

There are WAY too many shout outs I could make for this post, so in general all of the playerbase for your interactions. Obviously I liked some of you more than others, but save for only a very small handful of people, you guys(and girls) are great.

Really sorry the playerbase has to suffer by losing another highly active player but I just can't do this anymore. I would explain myself but I won't allow my farewell thread to turn into some crazy flame festival.

I hope FL keeps going and I wish you guys the best.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

(I would post my characters but there are FAR too many of them so.)

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Egos get in the way alot when it comes to a Qrace. It just takes alot of patience, and if the imms can't see that you posess it, then you aren't going to get what you want.

Sad to see you posting a farewell thread, I really hope you will change your mind.

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