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Such a fun spell!

When it's successfully cast upon the target they are removed from a group and all of there charmed mobs following them are let loose allowing the caster the chance to focus directly on said target. The spell must be cast ON the opponent you wish to remove from a group and that has any followers.

A perfect spell for an enemy ranger.


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Actually... you can cast it on a specific charmie to just screw their little army up OR you can cast it on the actual character to try to completely eliminate said army. The thing to think about is... charmies aren't wearing gear that gives them 7.773 trillion mental saves. Essentially its a risk/reward kind of spell... you can target the character and take out his whole army in one cast if you get by his saves... or you can go lower risk and target one specific charmie with high odds due to the lack of saves.

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Standard Cleric Mental Spell. 50 mana and only as opener.

Cast it on a specific pet to remove that pet, or on the leader to remove a random pet.

Subject to Leader saves, even if cast on pet.

Illithiad Necromancers are extremely hard to isolate, but not impossible. Some rangers path pets are actually impossible to isolate.

Vs Rangers, I suggest that you summon the Pet and kill him with meele. Each pet (or most) has a different vulnerability. For example Mammoths are vulnerable to Pierce damage such as the one found in the Dragon Slayer.

Vs Necromancers. I tend to find a locked area (Black Fist Cavern) or to create distance. Then summon a Zombie.

I have yet to find a way to chose which.

As long as you are engaged the Pet cannot be summoned back. Holy weapons and a strong meele will cripple most zombies.

In my opinion Isolate is better reserved versus Mental deficit characters. Which Necromancer do not tend to be.

So I favor Summon and Meele, over Isolate Mana drain.

BUT, as an opener against a Necromancer, this weapon is the best. I normally target Zombies.

It tend to take a bit, but one in a blue moon you will roll a natural 20 and Isolate his Traven or other hard to get pet.

The mere scene of a Cleric Isolating + Flee spam tactic is normally enough to make most experienced Necromancers rethink the Reward/Risk of such PK.

Until they figure that they can also get Lucky with Dispel, and simple outright Lagkill you.

This is the reason you always have Spell turning vs a Experienced Necro.

Good luck.

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It's a metaphor. Rolling a Natural 20 (in D&D and geek) means a infallible chance of success.

As you know, if you were here at Virigoth time, there is always a chance to land a spell or fail it no matter the saves. Hence why we sometimes talk about MAX saves, the number of saves after which it really does not matters.

The flipside of the system is that you can roll a Natural 1 and fail a spell that should otherwise land.

So when you land a spell on a target with -200 saves (stupid example), you just pulled a Natural 20.

Disclaimer (just because my English is percfeckt): I never said that the magical number is a d20, that is D&D. The magical number if for you to find out or ask Zhorkil. :D

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