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Not ROlling!


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Do you mean Allday that its not giving a score worth keeping?

I have often wondered if the chances for rolling top scores might be dependant on the number of characters with that race or class currently logged in.

If there are a lot of elves or blademasters, I can not get a decent score on an elf blademaster, ect.

Truth is, I chalked it up to my personal insanity.:rolleyes:

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I was just thinking while rolling the other night... I know there used to be posted stat sheets about how many characters there are of each race and each class. There are some races and classes that are very rarely played. Wouldn't it be neat if based on the current stats, say a drow cleric would have a very hard time getting a max roll, but a gnome warrior would get max roll rather quickly? Just what entertained my thoughts anyhow.

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