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I always thought one should cancel out the other..

Like maybe your affected by slow so you cast haste once. Slow goes away. Cast it one more time and then your affected by haste. But you've been able to be affected by both for awhile.

I'm pretty sure its just like normal when your affected by both.

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Make it just like slow is now.

That's how I think it should work. Both spells can be used offensively, both can be used defensively, however slow cannot be cancelled whilst haste can. Benedictions cast on others can be cancelled by them too - if I haste someone who can cancellate, they can mere cancellate the spell, making it lose it's...offensiveness.

Unless it's meant that way, of course. In that haste is meant to be used as a benediction and slow is meant to be used as both.


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It's simple.

Melee: Warrior, berserker, ranger, dark-knight, paladin, thief, ninja, monk, bard, blademaster. 10 classes.

Caster: Cleric/Healer/Shaman, invoker, battlemage, necromancer. 4 classes (or 6, if you absolutely want to insist on calling the first three separately, and clerics can benefit from haste).

Even excluding the numbers, haste helps melees much more than slow helps casters: doubled attacks, much more of a benefit than increased hp/mana regen each tick. Haste is primarily, as Dey mentioned, a benediction; slow, -generally- a malediction.

In addition, there's the balance issue of being able to have double or so regen on command, for only as long as needed.

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Makes perfect sense if you put it like that. Thanks.

As for the haste/slow being casted at the same time? If slow cannot be cancelled for reasons of not wanting people to have fast-regen on tap and get rid when needed, I'd imagine that casting haste ontop of slow to balance things out shouldn't be allowed either.

I'm going to risk sounding like an idiot here, but I'm willing to bite. What do you mean by bugging something? Making a post on it at the prayer forum is what I assumed it meant.. :o


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