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Klemsor Bigglewitz


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| Klemsor || Praetorian of PRAETORIAN |


| Str: 14(14)^3 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 94(239h) |

| Int: 25(25)^2 || Class: invoker Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 20(20)^1 || Race : faerie Align: good |

| Dex: 23(23)^1 || Hp : 1091/1091 Exp : 111866/531934 |

| Con: 10(11) || Mana : 1540/1540 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 444/444 +Hit: 7 +Dam: 11 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -306 || Spell : -19 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -310 || Afflictive : -4 || Weight: 162/265 |

| Blunt : -308 || Maledictive: -38 || Items : 27/38 |

| Magic : -300 || Mental : -35 || Prac : 10 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 20k CP: 2.6k |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| 4 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |

| [KNIGHT] forces are aiding your healing. |


You have mastered the following:

1. call lightning

2. cancellation

3. control weather

4. create food

5. dispel magic

6. enchant armor

7. enchant weapon

8. fireball

9. identify

10. locate object

11. sanctuary

12. teleport

13. word of recall

14. dagger

15. mace

16. hand to hand

17. parry

18. second attack

19. fast healing

20. meditation

21. recall

22. ice storm

23. protective shield

24. mystic tendrils

25. fire shield

26. mana shield

27. hellstream

28. flame arrow

29. icicle

30. guard

31. trance

32. staff

33. firestorm

34. mana charge

35. CabalSkill

36. CabalSkill

Well, the time has finally come. I've quit Knight and sacced all my rares, and Klemsor has been denied.

Klemsor was a great success in a lot of ways. He was my second Elder character. He was the first character where I've made choices that weren't strictly on a basis of power - going Sigil would have made a much better invoker, but would not have fit Klemsor's RP anywhere near as well. He's the first character where I had a truly successful PK ratio that isn't a typical "power combo". Faerie's are a great choice for invokers, by the by. I had more base HP on this character than I did on my elf or my gnome invoker, and the extra perks are awesome - I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a fun time.

Also, I wanted to give a few shout outs:

Istendil - You are, without a doubt, one of the saving graces of this character. A lot of times Klemsor was, frankly, bloodthirsty. And you were a great counterweight, giving him a lot of the mercy and passion that he initially lacked. I don't regret anything about our last big RP session and I admire your ability to make a decision that you knew would probably hurt Klemsor a lot - my only regret is that I wasn't able to force myself back into the character after my trip. But you are a shining example of RP and PK, and I hope your new connection lets you mercy a lot more people than usual. Great job.

Amaruil - I didn't meet you until very, very late in Klemsor's career. I had already made trusted by the time we had our first face-to-face chat, and then during our first meeting you made me elder (inadvertently, I might add). I thank you for the chance, and more importantly, for allowing your mortals to run the cabal and just being a facilitator. I would play a Knight for you any day of the week.

Azzar - I threw out a lot of punches that you didn't deserve, and was a total dick to you. But you kept trucking, and I admire that a lot. Keep it up with future characters.

Thulgan - Dear God, you are a brick wall. While our actual kill record was in my favor, I cannot believe how many times you thoroughly trounced me. You were one of the few people that could give me Shaky Hands Syndrome during PK, because my HP just MELTED off.

Everyone else - You guys are awesome. RP has come leaps and bounds over the last couple of months, but still has a long way yet to go. PK is exceptional - there were a lot of times when I felt totally helpless fighting some of you. Great work everyone, and keep it up.

And, on that note, I want to inform everyone that I am going to be taking a bit of a break. I just don't have the time or will to play FL at the moment, and I don't want to end up playing a character that turns into solely PK (which some of you may have noticed is what Klemsor became towards the end of his life). So I hope to come back refreshed and ready to go sometime in the near future. I apologize for the timing, since it seems like several other people are leaving simultaneously, but it's what I need to do.

I look forward to seeing you all again very soon and, as always, I'll be lurking on the forums to keep you on your toes.

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Man, Klemsor was such a beast.

Very well played, PK and RP, exactly what a praetorian should be in my opinion. Exactly what an avatar should be too.

Few rare times I had the pleasure to RP with you (which is normal considering you were an enemy to all of my characters) but your RP was well thought and in depth.

I saw Klemsor as the epitome of Purity.

You are a VERY good and fast chaser. One of the scaries invokers I've seen for a while. I know you like playing blademasers and rangers, but man invokers really are YOUR class.

PS: I wouldn't say Sigil would have been the better choice PK wise. I can elaborate, but only in PM :)

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I thought Vibbletick was nasty as an Invoker, but you're insane with them man, everytime I fought you, I had a viable chance to kill you, but felt like it was an uphill battle, and I agree, if you would have went sigil, I think you would have been unstoppable, at least for me, but that 1k hp explains alot too heh, very well done. Def one of the love to hate chars for me, I reckon, I did think you played a praetorian like I imagined a praetorian to be played. Hated your char, but definetly respected.

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