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<882/882Hp><1220/1220Mp><485/485Mv><146800Exp><$33991><20> who

[ Minot ] [WATCHER] (OUTLAW) (WANTED) Slinore Sharphorn the Master of War

[ Undea ] Instia Everh the Riftwalker

[ Human ] [KNIGHT] Sir Istendil the Beacon of Light, Stalwart Regent of the Crown

[ Beast ] (WANTED) Bophin the Exalted Defender of Nature

[ Feral ] (WANTED) Klazamiir the Grand Master of Assassins

[ Dwarf ] [WATCHER] (WANTED) Dinh the Master of War

[ Beast ] [WATCHER] Zibask the Exalted Defender of Nature

daaaang son.

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