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Reavin Raal the Courageous Traitor to the Castle


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Condead yo. Props to Slinore for last kill! Fun character, though human warrior is a toughie. I had a lot of fun with Reavin and got to interact with a lot of people.

Props to Amaruil, Erana, Liadon, Istendil, Instia, Thulgan, Pein, Slinore, all the Knights, and Tribunals, and anyone I may be forgetting.

Also thanks to Maya for that last bit of rp before the end.


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Well done. Reavin was shocking for a human warrior. I played a fully trained and very well armed FG warrior of the same lore, and most of the time you where easily outdamaging me.

You need to play a stronger combo with the good RP Reavin had man. I have seen alot of people who think that just because they are a strong base combo means they are not focusing on rp, and it just isn't true. Please do us all the service of making something that IS strong, and keep your RP as you always do.

Was a benefit interacting with Reavin on all sides of the court.

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