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Heiku got some! ...and died


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| Heiku || the Amazing |
| Str: 21(21) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 72(418h) |
| Int: 20(20) || Class: dark-knight Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 20(20) || Race : human Align: evil |
| Dex: 20(20)^1 || Hp : 839/839 Exp : 56880/475920 |
| Con: 17(20)^5 || Mana : 622/622 |
\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 409/409 +Hit: 22 +Dam: 19 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Volgathras |
| Slash : 50 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Discord |
| Pierce: 50 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 67/425 |
| Blunt : 50 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 4/37 |
| Magic : 50 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 2 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 5033 |
/ Condition: You are covered with deep scars and lacerations. \
| [SAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |
| You are wanted for crimes. Use "crimes" for details |

You have mastered the following:

1. charm person

2. cure light

3. curse

4. energy drain

5. fireball

6. invisibility

7. magic missile

8. plague

9. poison

10. summon

11. dagger

12. flail

13. polearm

14. shield block

15. spear

16. sword

17. whip

18. bash

19. dirt kicking

20. disarm

21. dodge

22. enhanced damage

23. parry

24. trip

25. second attack

26. third attack

27. fast healing

28. haggle

29. meditation

30. recall

31. veil of darkness

32. iceball

33. silence

34. dual wield

35. shield disarm

36. cleave

37. extort

38. unholy strength

39. two handed

Was at my aunts house today for a little while and started playing just to stretch my fingers I guess. Made me realize that in two or three weeks when I start playing again, I don't want to start playing a DK all over.

Heiku was a joke right from the beginning. His RP was not RP. It was an attempt to make fun at a few IRL things. I tried to make it fit into FL as best as I could but it was more for personal enjoyment than much else. He accomplished a bit, but not as much as I would have liked. Had notable kills on Grum, Thulgan, and some others at their peak. Most of which got me back once or twice too. Was a lot of fun.

DKs are definitely a class that at their "peak" are borderline OP with the right weapon choices and cabal paths. I caught my fair share of flak over the character. I racked up kills very fast early on with that lovely Warlock (which if I understand correctly has been fixed with regards to charm person w/ a mercenary involved?) With a Demon I think they are far too strong given what I was able to do with just a human, but that is all neither here nor there.

Major props to Istendil, Sepahoona, Slinore, Grum, and others that are still around and kicking. Fond memories of you all. No idea what I will be rolling when I come back, but I doubt it will be PK. To be honest, this game has gone to **** in terms of player numbers and other things, it would just be boring trying to find the same people over and over with classes that we all have already played. Things look alive in the RP circuit and I'm actually thinking about rolling a Herald when I come back.

Wish I had a score sheet from Heiku's "prime" I think I was pushing 80/80 at one point with dual lvl 10 spears. (which btw is NOT FUN vs Slinore or any other melee) Lvl10 blood filled voulge was NASTY

And just for the record...the recent malform changes will level the playing field rather well. Running around in not much more than basics I died once and lots my lvl 10s. Got three or four kills in a row and they never even leveled. That's a start IMO on the road to balancing the class.

See you all in a few weeks

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