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It was fun. Met quite a few interesting characters. being slightly drunk and haveing taken a few deaths today, and one rather nasty insult (I'll be putting that in prayer, thank you very much) Ih ave decided I no logner wish to play this character and have as such delted him. it was close to a second pinned monk. I do seem to be doing a lot worse as a moderate. I can't touch anyone hardly. Definitely not a good day.

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One point of advice.. if a Pinn shows, obviously that he or she won't attack you, then don't attack them (or run). Also, scrolls of protection, and +hitroll on a monk will do you very well.

Not to mention hitting Pinn then being aggro to all those mean Pinnacles ;)

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heh...I do dumb things when I'm drunk. Like get insulted easily and throw all my equipment on the ground so someone else can sac it. It took me nearly ten minutes to figure out how to place a bounty last night...hahaha!

Hats off to Thyvik. A beast. I was bored and figured a challenge would be interesting. Thanks for humoring me.

To Atticus. Yes, I did enjoy our banter. It was nice to talk with someone who's not so serious.

To Iiehj. I'm a total sucker for paladin RP. I always underestimate the elf paladins, though. ;)

I've got something else in the works I was thinking about. Leaning much more towards RP and a non-caballed character. Over winter break from school the idea of a monk in the Merchant cabal interested me. Bit of a pipe dream, though, seeing as how I'll always end up cabal booted after summers and I truthfully was just going to log in to keep from being deleted. I spent a little time replacing the rares that had been purged with non-rares.

But I did in fact get sucked in with the hopes I could get in a few fights and maybe at some point someone would want to hunt to pinn. Not to mention the fun conversations.

Oh, well...time to re-roll this weekend. :D

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I'll go ahead and fess up to being the one who insulted you, 'cause I think I am. I just told you that what you did was pretty dumb. Attacking me (after you'd just died) with no real RP reason and getting slaughtered was pretty dumb. Not having sanc for a good bit of the fight wasn't too wise either, and your stance wasn't what it should've been. You trip-spammed me to your own demise. I was dual wielding; you should've come peeked at me and then gone into a better stance more suited for the job. At a bare minimum, you should've fled after getting beaten on. I probably wouldn't have chased you. I was busy doing guild quests to get XP 'cause I'm stuck @ 48 with nobody to group with. FYI: about 5 minutes after you placed the bounty, I got killed, though. You got your revenge.

Roll up a tribunal; I never see them on ;-)

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