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So I made this guy up to see if I could jump back into the mud, but ended up not having the fun I thought I might. I got bored quickly, and told myself that the first time I take a loot that sets me back more than a couple hours, I was done. So ago ahead and deny the guy.

I doubt I'll be back for anything other than a how's the mud going, but the 'Hey, I should roll up a character on the mud.' thought is usually hanging around the back of my head quite often.

No score sheet, no shout outs except for Iiehj, who was a good (pro?)antagonist to me.

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Props on the character but Nephaius seemed a a little burned out or resistant to me, as if you only made the character to prove to yourself and everyone else why you didn't like the game.

I can sympathize in some respects, and this is not a flame to you.

I suggest you come back in a week or two and make something you've always wanted to play, and give it your all in game RP wise and PK wise.

Because, lets face it, if you make an ultimatum to delete after you take a loot, you are telling us that all you care about is the EQ. You don't need equipment to RP, and as a shaman, you don't need it to survive.

So, I look forward to seeing your next character. Try to make it something special! Instead of something that you do not give a chance to develop, or something that is middle-of-the-line and bores you to play.

See you soon!


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It's mainly about spending time doing something I enjoy, rather than gathering things so I can survive and possibly kill someone. I know you're not flaming, and I understand it seems like I only care about my EQ. The fact is, on nearly all classes you gotta have it to do well, and losing nearly all of it in an instant means I have to go around gathering half-*** stuff, so I can get 3/4 *** stuff, etc.

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