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April 3rd Game Change Log


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April 3rd, 2011 Log Update:

05/03/11 Tribunal executions now count as credit for leveling up weapons and powers.

05/03/11 Warmaster Inductees still dying to drug addiction bug fixed.

05/03/11 Bug with being able to see hidden Warmaster records fixed.

05/03/11 Syndicates and Merchants can no longer coup each other.

05/03/11 Steal, pry, and study disabled in the Arena.

05/03/11 Mobs and their progs should no longer target Immortals, regardless of the mob rank.

05/03/11 Ranger pets shouldn't finish their opponents in challenges now.

05/03/11 Bug with cabal standards ending up on opposite defenders fixed.

05/03/11 Clerics can no longer commune Holy Hands while they have a weapon sheathed.

05/03/11 Bug with sense motion detecting visible things fixed.

05/03/11 Warmaster charmies cannot gain protections from staves now.

05/03/11 *Immortal command bug fixed.

05/03/11 *Temporal storm bug fixed.

05/03/11 *Charmies will no longer attack while under the effects of a certain Psionicist spell.

05/03/11 *Autothrow shouldn't work while under the effects of a certain Psionicist spell now.

05/03/11 Tattoo game crashing bug squashed.

05/03/11 Many typos corrected.

05/03/11 Xavier will now no longer single-handedly defend against a raid.

06/03/11 Warmaster inductees can no longer be granted protections with wands.

06/03/11 At level 50, goods will now lose skill proficiency instead of EXP when killing another good.

06/03/11 *Reverse time bug fixed.

06/03/11 Outfit army duration increased.

08/03/11 Game crashing bug corrected.

09/03/11 Sharpclaw and Rokujan now correctly have the wounding weapon flag.

09/03/11 *Outfit Adventurer bug fixed.

09/03/11 Spy should no longer send double lines to the victim and will no longer transmit automated cabal messages on log in or out.

13/03/11 *Shield bash bug fixed.

14/03/11 *Shield bash bug fixed.

21/03/11 Added a check that purges bounty bags from denied characters.

26/03/11 Bug with being able to view hidden WM records fixed.

26/03/11 *Shield bash bug fixed.

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That is a MASSIVE amount of bugs fixes and corrections!

09/03/11 Spy should no longer send double lines to the victim and will no longer transmit automated cabal messages on log in or out.

That explains so much :P

05/03/11 Xavier will now no longer single-handedly defend against a raid.

The main reason for which I hated raiding Mir :(

And one question:

05/03/11 Tribunal executions now count as credit for leveling up weapons and powers.

Capturing a criminal counts towards malforms and now so does executing. Does executing count towards ALL members of tribunal present or just the person who sentenced the criminal, and do tribunals get double XP for capturing one criminal (i.e. once for capturing and once for executing?).

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No' date=' you get rewarded for capturing. Whoever captures will get the reward.[/quote']

I am confused now.

The first change was that you get rewarded for capturing.

Now there is a new change which says you get rewarded for execution, but you say you get rewarded for capturing :confused:

Is the old change still in play (you get rewarded for capturing)? Do we get rewarded for capturing alone, or for execution alone, or for both?

You did answer my question (we get rewarded for capturing alone) but this is not something new and this new change says we get rewarded for executions too.

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The previous change did not cover some groups that usually gain something from a kill' date=' this one does. The reward is for capturing.[/quote']

I see now.

Although I still think it could have been worded better i.e. using capture instead of execution.

PS. Atticus, killing people does not make that certain goodie cleric spell better. It makes the evil cleric spell better.

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05/03/11 Clerics can no longer commune Holy Hands while they have a weapon sheathed.


09/03/11 Sharpclaw and Rokujan now correctly have the wounding weapon flag.

did other Rokujan effects got toned down?

cause it already had 2 other special effects

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it had the wrathing effect (sharp) and another one

You can feel "Rokujan" the Dark Dagger dig into your body.

Vindis's wrath decimates you!

woundingis when you start losing blood like thief daggers

and i am off your list, cant play

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It cursed' date=' and caused poison to the wielder. Kick-butt weapon for any thief (undead) to wield.[/quote']

I miss it so much used it with all my thieves, and it cursed, poisoned, and plagued those it struck. I am tempted to make an area just to put something similar back in lol. j/k:D

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