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CMT Sponsored: My Brothers and Sisters of Aabahran!


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FEEL IT WITH ME! Let the SPIRIT, I do say, the UNHOLY SPIRIT of Aabahran move you, Brothers and Sisters! Say it with me, pray it with me! The Reverend isn't asking you to dance naked in the Central Square of Val Miran! He's asking you to dance naked bathed in the Blood of the Pure! Wash away your innocence with pure, unadulterated paladin blood!

*slams the Tome of Terror upon The Altar of Aabahran, smiling at everyone whilst licking his lips*

We have set before us the Dawn of a New Night. Reverend Valek implores YOU, my blood brood, my precious, precious children, to step forth and join together. Hold your hands high and SCREAM with WICKED GLEE! The earth upon which we stand cries out for change. It has been raped and pillaged. Plundered and desecrated. It rolls as if the God of Battle Mages caressed it. Feel it. Feel the heart beat.

And listen. Do you hear it? It whispers to you. Close your eyes and listen. It's not saying "Abandon hope...", no, no, NO! It sings, it sings quietly to you, like a siren, like a dirge, like a wild whore in the streets of Miruvhor on a drunken sex crazed BINGE! WHAT IS SHE SAYING?! Touch her, Aabahran, touch her and caress her that she might spill her secret message to you.

What is Aabahran, your mistress, saying? PM the Reverend what you think Aabahran is saying and this Unholy Conduit to the heavens may reward you....think wisely, lest you be released from the mortal coil....

Blessed be, my Brothers and Sisters, blessed be....

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It's not saying "Abandon hope...", no, no, NO!

What is Aabahran, your mistress, saying? PM the Reverend what you think Aabahran is saying and this Unholy Conduit to the heavens may reward you...

Let the Reverend run this down for you, dig?

Aabahran, for years, has said, "Abandon Hope, all ye who enter here" or something like that. I want you, the masses, to pillow talk your mistress. Find out what she's REALLY saying. Get inside and dig deep into the earth of Aabahran.

When you think you have heard something worthy, snake your way back to my side and whisper in my ear. Everything you tell me (along with a reason why, if it doth please thee) will be weighed, and if found to be not wanting, you will be REWARDED. The Reverend kids not. Something awaits those who undertake this burning crusade. PM me. I will wait to pass final judgement within two weeks after Beltane.

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Okay, one more time, as plainly as I can:

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to develop a new slogan. PM it to me. This is a contest. I can't get any clearer than that. I have a prize for the winner. I'm authorized to give this prize and I won't tell anyone what it is until it's time to announce the winner.

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I've got about a dozen little one liners that might work just having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly you guys want. How about length? How long do you want it? Just one line or is a couple of sentences acceptable? And for the other side how long is to long? Is a paragraph ok or to long?

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You are all welcome to send as many submissions as you like. It would be nice if everyone at least sent me one, just for the sake of variety. Show the Reverend that you care, Aabahran.

Give me that one line that sums up what this game means to you, that one line that is what this game stands for, that one line that will draw people in and penetrate their minds. :cool:

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