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Using a Mic on XBox Live?

Liadon Xiloscient

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But it's not "males" per se

From my observations, yes, it is - you simply aren't around guys when there aren't any girls around (obviously ;)). The anonymity of the internet lets them say and act in ways that they would never do when face to face with a girl, but I think you'd be astounded how often you'd hear similar levels of disrespect for women if you left a secret microphone to listen in on a "guys night" or the like.

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Geezuz okay so now I'm just done with LIVE all together for a while. The PSN is down so there is no HOME, XBox Live is filled with hrny 20 year olds and to top it all off... I'm sucking so bad while trying to play that I feel like a non-respectable noob-tard!

*sob sob* Maybe this is a sign to "just go to bed"...

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*sigh* What happened to the people that where just trying to relax... the 20 to 40 somethings that got drunk at night, and maybe smoked a little to help get into the moment. I mean... back a few years ago on World at War I had a clan that consisted of myself, two other friends in RL and like 20 other people. It was an accomplishing feeling to have that many members that where all active and vying to actually chat with me... I miss those days.

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