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Tell me, Aabahran...


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It's not something that can be inspired, and showing up on the "voters" list will hardly bring us new members when they show up here and see a dead forum. Then get to playing the game and there's a chance that no imm's will be there to help newbies.

I'm just saying as a new person this is what would / does turn me off. Instead of simply voting or lurking in threads members here could serve the community better if they became more involved in the forums.

Not only that, but if the regulars where a bit more friendly towards each other. It's not cool to see two people arguing or bickering in public threads. I understand some teasing here and there is completely fine, but when there aren't LoL's the rest of us think it's serious. Sarcasm doesn't text.

Again... this is just an opinion of the new person

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It's not something that can be inspired, and showing up on the "voters" list will hardly bring us new members when they show up here and see a dead forum. Then get to playing the game and there's a chance that no imm's will be there to help newbies.

I'm just saying as a new person this is what would / does turn me off. Instead of simply voting or lurking in threads members here could serve the community better if they became more involved in the forums.

Not only that, but if the regulars where a bit more friendly towards each other. It's not cool to see two people arguing or bickering in public threads. I understand some teasing here and there is completely fine, but when there aren't LoL's the rest of us think it's serious. Sarcasm doesn't text.

Again... this is just an opinion of the new person

This is where a like button would come into play.

To defend the Pbase in game I have had some newb chars and I will say for sure that they were very friendly to me just not enough people to show me around *No I wasn't lost but I figured I would test the waters*

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It's not something that can be inspired, and showing up on the "voters" list will hardly bring us new members when they show up here and see a dead forum. Then get to playing the game and there's a chance that no imm's will be there to help newbies.

I'm just saying as a new person this is what would / does turn me off. Instead of simply voting or lurking in threads members here could serve the community better if they became more involved in the forums.

Not only that, but if the regulars where a bit more friendly towards each other. It's not cool to see two people arguing or bickering in public threads. I understand some teasing here and there is completely fine, but when there aren't LoL's the rest of us think it's serious. Sarcasm doesn't text.

Again... this is just an opinion of the new person

My dear, I can inspire anything and anyone. Whether it's a negative reaction or a positive reaction, I do inspire. :cool:

Dead forum issue is being worked on. I'm not just here to take up space and look pretty.

And to steal from Kurt Angle, yes, "it's true, it's damn true". This place could use more teamwork. Like when the Rock and Kurt Angle were talking about Pie, the People's Streudel, and Big Jugs of Milk. Seriously, what's better than pastry and milk? *skip to the 40 second mark if you're impatient*

Now, let the Reverend add another suggestion, because there's always going to be disagreement. It's human nature. We all want the same thing here. We just can't agree on how to get there. So, here's the thing: I'm going to do my video taped sermon on The Love. The Aabahranian Love. The Reverend will show you ALL THE LIGHT! HALLELUJAH!

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It's nice to see people coming back, at the least. Go forth and find the rest of your lost brethren! Bring me TDP! Find Virigoth! Get Chayesh! Iconz, if he's not too radioctive yet.


I asked TDP if he wanted to roll a character the other day when he was over at my house and he just laughed at me.

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Sarcasm doesn't text.

Can you tell my girl that? haha.

And when it comes to the arguing between other members a lot of these people have been around here day after day with the same people and after just butting heads on issue after issue they just don't get along. Personally for me there are certain people I may not like IRL due to trashy stuff they do in game and although it is just a game some stuff comes down to your morality and maturity irl I suppose.

Also I find that sometimes here on the forum it's like Democrats and Republicans trying to see eye to eye and then you have the grandstanders or brown nosers and the people who seem to just give a negative for every single idea because apparently they fear change so much. So things can get complicated as this isn't really "JUST A GAME" for most of us I suppose.

This other world and microcosm that exists in our world where each play our part is really a hobby as it takes up a lot of hours of your life and I've been doing it for like 12 years on and off.

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I resisted the call to return to FL for a few years... mostly because I was a dirty gypsy with no access to steady internets... but now I'm back in the plugged-in world. After a friend convinced me to try out FL again, here I am... back like a crackhead. It was the RP-enforced environment that brought me to FL in the first place... and in the face of the current standard of overpriced and fancy MMO's, I find MUD-ing makes me feel classy... like listening to vinyl records or something...

... or like that guy who's still wearing the same Dio t-shirt he wore in high-school...

... anyways. I'm back.. i'm voting. We need more players, gaddammit....

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I don't know what I like better:

A) The Dio reference

B) The Dirty Gypsy reference


C) That you're back! (Gotta be honest...the Reverend doesn't know the name, but welcomes you back with open arms)

RE Liadon: I just know you're not a negative person and I know you wouldn't sink to that level of negativity. I just want you to remain true to yourself. :) I've got a few ideas/questions I want to ask you, but they'll have to wait for a couple weeks. They're not overly important ideas/questions, but they'll end up in your PM box eventually. Blessed Be to you until then; walk in peace. :cool:

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