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Legaro Erakos


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| Legaro || the Doomblade |


| Str: 18(18) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 320(178h) |

| Int: 25(25) || Class: blademaster Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 20(20) || Race : elf Align: good |

| Dex: 23(23) || Hp : 10/670 Exp : 84976/610624 |

| Con: 10(10) || Mana : 0/743 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 336/419 +Hit: 9 +Dam: 4 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -40 || Spell : -6 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -40 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/325 |

| Blunt : -40 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/40 |

| Magic : -40 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 28 Train: 1 |

| Weapon: low || Pos: middle || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: Death is knocking at your door. \

| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |

| 100 110 110 100 100 25 66 35 76 |

| You are a ghost. |


You have mastered the following:

1. dagger

2. polearm

3. spear

4. sword

5. dodge

6. hand to hand

7. parry

8. fast healing

9. meditation

10. recall

11. blind fighting

12. charge

13. anatomy

14. double grip

15. two handed

16. onslaught

17. chop

18. critical strike

19. bladework

20. footwork

21. battle stance

22. powerstrike

23. deathweaver

24. human expert

25. unique expert

26. unique master

27. blood vow

28. battlesphere

29. battlefocus

30. battletrance

dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 100

sword 100 disarm 75 dodge 100

hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 91

fast healing 100 haggle 83 lore 79

meditation 100 recall 100 blind fighting 100

counter 86 acupuncture 89 charge 100

dual parry 95 anatomy 100 double grip 100

balance 90 two handed 100 doublesheath 75

onslaught 100 chop 100 bladerush 99

backpin 88 pinwheel 83 critical strike 100

bladework 100 footwork 100 battle stance 100

avatar of steel 86 powerstrike 100 deathweaver 100

bladestorm 82 ironarm 75 Kyousanken 75

shadowdancer 84 doomsinger 75 kairishi 75

vigil 75 twin counter 79 predict 76

snakespeed 76 spellkiller 75 deathstrike 93

human expert 100 unique expert 100 unique master 100

blood vow 85 battlesphere 100 battlefocus 100

battletrance 100

You have 28 practice sessions left.

Well guys, it was a hell of a run. I had a lot of fun with this char, but in the end it just didnt go where i has hoping it would. Got caught with my pants down far to many times.

thanks to lyria, telden, lefin, mirabel, firimor, branor, martineius, carroin, mathicus, merdien (wish we could have had a bit more interaction and finished that talk)

anyway thanks guys, it was a good run. Peace

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Your odds was poor...

I have learned that if you ever cross the tribunal vampire your pretty much screwed. The tribunal and that vampire is overpowered, and make their own rules to save there hide. If you even think of harming a tribbie outside of the city you will get wanted. Pretty lame and stupid, I hope the imms take a look at that more closely someday.

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Gosh...maybe it should be reported to the IMMs if Tribunals are wanting people outside cities when they aren't chasing a criminal, because, gosh, I've received none.

Besides, I don't think anyone will argue that a vampire needs help tooling at least half the playerbase.

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So tribunals arent allowed to make people wanted outside the city? Thats what I though, but it had happened to me all the time. I attacked marty outside (though he might have been chasing a criminal) and one time I spit on meerdus and got wanted, but I know he wasn't chasing anyone.

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