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Maps of Aabahran


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Okay.. so I've got so much time on my hands, lately, and since there's really nothing else that's "productive" for me to do on my free time, I've decided to create a map-work of Aabahran.

It may take awhile, and when I say awhile, I mean a long while, but I figure it will be a useful creation and extra newbie-helpful. Of course, there's some things out of date (being I created the World Map part about 6 months ago..) but I will be updating it here in the next few days and adding in as many areas as possible.

If anyone wants to help, lemme know!

Website is: http://forsakenlands.net/flmaps/wiki.pl

(YES, it's a Wiki... so people can edit it. Even if they want to anonymously, if they want to help!)

Wiki editor password is fledit

Areas mapped:

World Map - http://www.forsakenlands.net/flmaps/wiki.pl?WorldMap

The Ogre Village - http://www.forsakenlands.net/flmaps/wiki.pl?TheOgreVillage

The Great Chasm - http://www.forsakenlands.net/flmaps/wiki.pl?TheChasm

Tainted Valley - http://www.forsakenlands.net/flmaps/wiki.pl?TaintedValley

Up-to-date "Needed" Maps - http://www.forsakenlands.net/flmaps/wiki.pl?Needed

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What do you mean maps are in now? Is there a map command? Or have you created items that show the whole world map or what have you?

Curious, since what I'm doing potentially takes into account EVERY step you make. (You can blindly look at a map and type directions and the +'s will be exact.

For instance:

h h + h h
= = | = =
/ = = = = = /
+ F h h + L +
| |
d=+ +=d
| |
+=+ d=+ +=d
/| | |
/ +-+-+ d=+ +=d
/ | | |
/ + d=+---------+---------+=d
P +-+-+ | |
/ | | + +
T +-+-+ = |
| | | + +
+ +-+-+ | |
| | + +
| | |
| | +----N----+ o o
| | | | | = =
| | | = | =
+----S----+ o +-+ o

An exact layout of the Ogre Village.

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