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Keese #2


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| Keese || the Scourge of the Battlefield |


| Str: 18(18)^1 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 33(55h) |

| Int: 23(23) || Class: battlemage Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 25(25) || Race : gnome Align: neutral |

| Dex: 18(18) || Hp : 873/873 Exp : 32710/455690 |

| Con: 18(18)^3 || Mana : 1201/1214 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 532/535 +Hit: 4 +Dam: 10 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Anithraril |

| Slash : -352 || Spell : -10 || Faith : Mystic |

| Pierce: -361 || Afflictive : -37 || Weight: 297/325 |

| Blunt : -362 || Maledictive: -26 || Items : 28/34 |

| Magic : -283 || Mental : -23 || Prac : 8 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 38k |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \


And so it is done. I never had any intentions of playing this character out, my RP was nothing more than an apprentice/helper of Brambus, my intention to head out and identify and explore. This character combined with another I've had have taught me TONS about EQ, areas I never knew even existed, and I made a personal effort to go around EVERY SINGLE STORE I knew of, buy all potions, pills, staves, identify each one. Cost me a pretty penny believe me.

Now I've done that, I'll be done with him for now. Of course, I haven't identifed EVERYTHING there is, but I know a great deal about EQ and items now, and the other few things I will come about with future characters no doubt. I have a character coming up that will use this information pretty well. A thanks to all who helped me with my quest.

Brambus IS pleased. :cool:


EDIT: If an Imm can hammer the nails into his coffin, I would be grateful. Thanks.

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Just FYI, with identify you can use the browse command (IE: browse 'white pill') and it'll identify it for you (as long as you have the identify spell) to see what things do that a shopkeeper is selling. Not sure if you wanted to buy all that but....just for your information, hah.

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Just FYI' date=' with identify you can use the browse command (IE: browse 'white pill') and it'll identify it for you (as long as you have the identify spell) to see what things do that a shopkeeper is selling. Not sure if you wanted to buy all that but....just for your information, hah.[/quote']

You have got to be kidding me.

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