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Yet another stupid death thread! The idea is to share your dumbest, or most embarassing death.

My top favorite is I was a level one gnome invoker, I was checking the town pits for free gear and I found a suit of mithril and a flame lance! I was so happy, I hit wear all:wield flame, and became PERMANENTLY stunned at 0hp since my base hp was 20, and the flame lance is -20 hp. shortest lived character ever.

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o__O That would be horrible.

My MOST stupid death I think so far was against a four goblins with two newbies following me within the group. We where totally dominating the hunting fields and then I get the great idea of going, "oh this will level them so fast!" I attacked and within a matter of four rounds I was hitting FLEE and was "you can't escape" another four rounds and I was killed in front of two new players.

Embarrassing yes....

Thank the One God that the other Ruthless PK in the group was a newb AND nice and didn't take all of my nice equipment that was much to far out of my range to request or even kill for.

But still... headlong into a fight and got pounded in the dirt.

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Something's beating === ANNIHILATES === you!

Something's beating === ANNIHILATES === you!

You fled!

You crawl north.

<9/700hp ...>

You say 'Phew! That was freaking close!'

*mispress of numpad-2 (which sends 'south') due to shaking hands*


I use tintin++, where I have it so that if I press n5 + n5 + n4, client sends "scan west". Sometimes I mislocate my keypresses, and press something else than n5. Two south at forsaken lands during night is quite fatal when you intend to just scan.

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Yet another stupid death thread! The idea is to share your dumbest, or most embarassing death.

My top favorite is I was a level one gnome invoker, I was checking the town pits for free gear and I found a suit of mithril and a flame lance! I was so happy, I hit wear all:wield flame, and became PERMANENTLY stunned at 0hp since my base hp was 20, and the flame lance is -20 hp. shortest lived character ever.


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A Woodland Trail

You are following a small woodland trail in the Emerald Forest. Off in

the distance to the east, you hear the sound of a roaring waterfall.

The trail continues to the north and south.

[Exits: north south]

A ranger stands here, inspecting the ground.

There is a cheerful brownie here chatting merrily away.

Cobbdar walks in.

An Alsatian walks in.

A stone golem walks in.

Your drug withdrawal === DISINTEGRATES === you!

You have been KILLED!!

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Lair of the Squid

[Exits: south (up)]

(White Aura) A Squid of Gargantuan proportions is waiting to feast on your bones.


A Gargantuan Squid parries your attack.

Your magic wounds A Gargantuan Squid.

A Gargantuan Squid parries your attack.

Your magic wounds A Gargantuan Squid.

A Gargantuan Squid spits a stream of corrosive acid at you.

The toxin has made you glow.

A Gargantuan Squid's blast of acid does UNSPEAKABLE things to you!

You have been KILLED!!

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  • 2 weeks later...


For the grand loss.

<42/804Hp><751/760Mp><431/435Mv><46980Exp><$9670><14>Ryxx: [5]

A Warlock's slash MASSACRES you!

You have been SLAYED!!

As the cold chill of death descends upon you Anume grants you yet another chance


You have been granted a temporary sanctuary as an invincible ghost.

As long as you don't attack anything.

Cursing at the loss you send in a request for a new guard captain.

You have died due to failing health.

%%% Disconnected from server.

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Helping two lowbies in the Pentagram, calming a group of mobs and forgetting protective shield (which I could have sworn was at 8 hours last I looked at it) and getting bashed to death.

As a halfling.

And with the stupid eq loss change, losing 2 desolation items I don't feel like spending 2 RL hours getting today.


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I got the death that tops all noob deaths. Early 2.0 , epurican was on his last death and had gotten approved for life quest. Had about ten million gold and was bored so I decided to use it up throwing darts. Bout two mil in I learned about the death symbol. Goodbye epurican

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