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To Buy Zmud or Not?


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Set up an. Alias called connect, executes..

#session forsake

Then #write forsaken

From then on you can #read forsaken (loads that profile) and just type connect.

I usually then just #write to make new profiles for each character. Since my alias list usually grows as the character evolves.

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Wintin is exactly the same as Tintin. When I jump on my windows partition to complete work related stuff, I can open Wintin with the same variables, aliases, etc that my linux partition holds.

Only difference with Wintin is you have to find a nice, command-line terminal like puTTy to use it with, and then technicalize yourself with it :-P

(Yes, I know technicalize is not a word...)

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If you like it, and feel very comfortable with it, and are willing to pay for it if it's not free, and have no reason to switch... Stick with it. Regardless of the client. :)

If it's non-free and you've been using it (cracked?) for a long time, pay for it.

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