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Time to saddle up, and ride out

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Well been a fun run, but once again life has kicked me in the wedding veggies. Not really caring to get into it on here but suffice to say my playtime is non existant. I will probably be back in a few months, but for right now I need to get busy with life. You guys are an amazing group (Except you f0xx, you suck ;)) And I hope you all are around when I make my return.

I gave away all my rares as kadrinath, and cabal left today. Sorry I could not RP it out, but there was alot of dissent, and hate towards kadrinath recently and I really did not like playing him anymore. It really sucks

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Kadrinath was such a legend that he started out as a blue and ended as a red leader. I clearly remember the first time we fought, I was Instia. We had a conversation about.. something or another inside of Decobru Manor. Remember? You kicked my *** hard and even made a comment on how I thought it would be a breeze. Great character.

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