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July 3rd Game Change Log


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July 3rd, 2011 Log Update:

04/06/11 Proxy and multiplaying rules altered. Help proxy and multi updated.

08/06/11 Shield lore proficiency should now be at 100% after selection.

09/06/11 The Great Elf Valley is now west of the Elven Kingdom

09/06/11 The soldier's insignia will now open the door out of the Headquarters in the Crystalmir Caverns.

09/06/11 Updated maps are now available. A cartographer sells them all in the Eastern Road.

16/06/11 The Shield of Blades given the 'spiked' keyword.

20/06/11 Moderate corpses can no longer be looted through the animate corpse spell.

20/06/11 Moderate corpses can no longer be looted by charmies.

26/06/11 Cultivate and outfit army skills cooldown reduced.

26/06/11 Outfit adventurer cooldown eliminated.

01/07/11 Eye of Manticore changed from floating to ear inventory slot.

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