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Why am I posting this? I generally try to avoid the forums.


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---- I know it will piss off alot of people because of the time they put in etc (hell i'm close to my first pinned character)

-----Make it a race, the 1st three characters to hit the title master quester, get pinned, join a cabal, have a decent PK record = New imms

That would increase playerbase by at least 10 (and you can see who really wants to be imms)

If you don't want to restart... just have it that everyone has to restart with a lvl one (your specifics) and send a note to imm for the "Grand Immortal Race"

With the new playerbase due to the imm race = more imms = more rp = keeps new pbase (imo) = another race once a year.

I've actually seen that done. Contrary to what you may think, doing a pwipe will decrease the pbase because people who spent HOURS on their characters have to start new. Also, I know for a fact that I can get to 50 in two days. Probably Iyorvin and Despiser can do the same thing. Wonder who the next three imms would be :P

In any case, the problem isn't the LACK of attention by the immortals, but the premise that leads indirectly to the lack of attention: that is not having enough time and trust. This is a game. People can complain all they want, but the fact that they have to remember is that THIS IS A GAME. It should be at MOST a hobby. If it completely rules your life, you need to get out and do something productive. I'm actually surprised by the amount of time the Imps have to spend on this mud, especially since I think they are recent college graduates starting a new job or whatnot (real life situations like wife, babies, kids, etc.) As such, it isn't the jobs of the players to EXPECT some sort of interaction, but rather the complete opposite: not expect it and work on our own to create a suitable environment. After all, the imms are mostly moderators and coders. That's their main job, and possibly their secondary job is to make this game more enjoyable. You want a great rp/pk environment? You need to rp well yourself and CONVINCE others to react/interact with you (like apparently how Daemian did). And this does not mean by whining in about rp in the shoutouts.

Give others the benefit of a doubt people.

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People already brought up 51's and Behren's said there is a reason there not there..I don't know the specifics..so I want comment, however there is an idea I had kicking around awhile back.

Non staff Gods. - I.E. characters that are IC gods, immortals etc, but without staff powers, duties etc. It would be tough as well to get your 50 there, adn probably require a damn good RP plot (think Raistlin trying to achieve Godhood in the Dragonlance series for anybody who knows it.)

They would be able to do the more RP orientated things Imms can do, like area echos, room echos etc. I'd like to see them have a private room where they could take people as well. Have it work on a Require command (not necessarily that name.) They would REQUIRE XXXX and that char would so XXX requires you presence, accept /decline. They would also be able to then port themselves to that char.

Anyway I'm going off on a tangent here..didn't want to get to specific about abilities they might/might not have. More that i just wanted to float the idea of non-staff Immortals, similar to the old 51's but with a bit more bite and RP ability.

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I am a sucker for these posts since I was an IMM once seems like ages ago. So I know fairly well what goes on. I know when they say if they can not trust you then you wont be an IMM for very good reasons. Even at 52 with "barely" any powers you still have alot of room to "cheat" Not that I did it, but the ability is there.

As well with the no contact rule, it is very very good rule. One of my downfalls to being an IMM at the time. There was no such rule and while I did not for the longest time tell that I was an IMM, I did eventually tell one or two people who I "thought" I could trust and what ended up happening? I got a ton of messages from players begging me to let them in my cabal or help them with something or other. So while you may think that there are many qualified responsible players out there, you would be suprised. I thought I could handle it but at the time I couldnt. Its why I left. Its why I learned not to talk about FL on aim or any other chat areas.

Now while I dont play anymore, I have still gotten several people who will IM me, basically cause I dont have the time to edit my aim list again and dont want to change my SN again, asking me if I got the time to help lvl up a lowbie or want to log in to check some stuff for them. Which not only proves to me, but to the staff since I know they do watch, that there are not really that many people mature enough to handle the position.

It took me ages to cut most of my FL contacts, and the only ones I still speak to dont play anymore that I know of anyhow so we chat about things besides FL or the good ol days.

But I do agree with the Pbase as well. Part of the thing I loved most about being an imm was the RP interaction with morts, and imms alike. It is the most invigorating, exciting thing ever. Back when this game was still in beta, I remember five or so people being on and going through walks in the woods on my ranger with the head imm of nature. Things like that do not happen anymore, for several reasons. 1) Too few imms that are for RP. 2) Higher Pbase. The less players of course the more time the imms will have to dedicate to each player. Both sides come with their pro's and con's.

And when I read that one post about knowing several people mature enough over aim, I was so going to respond the same way Malch and Raar did. That is the surest way to corrupt or even witness the downfall of an IMM. Trust me, I know. But good try.

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Ha, I loved Maylenne, and while at several times I thought about aiming you I didn't because I understand what kind of crap you guys/gals can go through. Everyone dies for Imm contact. That is why imms must lose all aim contact. I mean, don't get me wrong I think I could handle it I've dropped my bad player habits long ago with my first three pinns. I've cheated got caught and did what needed to be done. I think I could handle an imm if it was 'given' to me, but I'm not about to lose any sleep over it with this whole race shebang. Which is a wack idea btw. I'm sure if anything happens our l33t staff will have ideas.

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Hrm. I would never immort. So I've no say in this =p

Besides if I did I'd never have messengers on. They get annoying when the alerts for cute girls i talk to pop up haha.

Besides its a bugger if you're all distracted when trying to create rooms and dig for an area or something.

Or better yet bs rp or cause some crazy mysterious things to happen just because!

Oh and some of us don't feel the need to cheat, even though there are secrets we still wonder about (like those damned staffs everyone and their uncle seems to have that grant a hefty logn sanc spell that even warriors can use........ :eyeroll: )

but in reality it seems that the makeup is fine right now, just that they're busy -shrug-

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Yeah, building is very boring, as I can imagine coding. I can't really say much though the last mud I built for never even becaome open to the public. I would strictly be an rp imm, and I would come up with the craziest rp plots. But I could only be between two imms, either demon imm, because I love demons and almost every demon wannabe woul dget approved, or I would have to be a drunken dwarf bard, god of brewery. I would be raargants better looking identical twin brother.

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Yeah' date=' building is very boring, as I can imagine coding. I can't really say much though the last mud I built for never even becaome open to the public. I would strictly be an rp imm, and I would come up with the craziest rp plots. But I could only be between two imms, either demon imm, because I love demons and almost every demon wannabe woul dget approved, or I would have to be a drunken dwarf bard, god of brewery. I would be raargants better looking identical twin brother.[/quote']

Building and being recognized for such and having a permanent mark I'd feel appreciated and respected for is more than enough fun in and of itself. And RP is -always- a blast. Heh.

Coding woudl make me want to slam my head through a window to try to learn without someone very patient to guide me through it all (though maybe not impossible. I did teach myself basic and cobol wayyyyyyyy back when.)

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I am a sucker for these posts since I was an IMM once seems like ages ago. So I know fairly well what goes on. I know when they say if they can not trust you then you wont be an IMM for very good reasons. Even at 52 with "barely" any powers you still have alot of room to "cheat" Not that I did it, but the ability is there.

As well with the no contact rule, it is very very good rule. One of my downfalls to being an IMM at the time. There was no such rule and while I did not for the longest time tell that I was an IMM, I did eventually tell one or two people who I "thought" I could trust and what ended up happening? I got a ton of messages from players begging me to let them in my cabal or help them with something or other. So while you may think that there are many qualified responsible players out there, you would be suprised. I thought I could handle it but at the time I couldnt. Its why I left. Its why I learned not to talk about FL on aim or any other chat areas.

Now while I dont play anymore, I have still gotten several people who will IM me, basically cause I dont have the time to edit my aim list again and dont want to change my SN again, asking me if I got the time to help lvl up a lowbie or want to log in to check some stuff for them. Which not only proves to me, but to the staff since I know they do watch, that there are not really that many people mature enough to handle the position.

It took me ages to cut most of my FL contacts, and the only ones I still speak to dont play anymore that I know of anyhow so we chat about things besides FL or the good ol days.

But I do agree with the Pbase as well. Part of the thing I loved most about being an imm was the RP interaction with morts, and imms alike. It is the most invigorating, exciting thing ever. Back when this game was still in beta, I remember five or so people being on and going through walks in the woods on my ranger with the head imm of nature. Things like that do not happen anymore, for several reasons. 1) Too few imms that are for RP. 2) Higher Pbase. The less players of course the more time the imms will have to dedicate to each player. Both sides come with their pro's and con's.

And when I read that one post about knowing several people mature enough over aim, I was so going to respond the same way Malch and Raar did. That is the surest way to corrupt or even witness the downfall of an IMM. Trust me, I know. But good try.

Alright I may be stepping out of line here but when Malynne and a certain other immortal were brought into being (at approximately the same time) is when I left. I made a statement on the forum about them possibly being 'not so appropriate' for the job, knowing they had many OOC's friends, and at the time (being a member) Savant had turned into a hippy 'friends' group. I made valid points, and I have many logs of chats with Malynne where she could not come up with a single valid retort. Somehow I felt discriminated against before they even knew my character, like there was some sort of weird little group happening in there. Not only this but I saw both the characters that became immortal comit ingame illegalities.

So I voiced my opinion and copped a ban at the time. From what I heard some powers were somewhat abused (or favouritism given in instances). I don't know for sure, I spat the dummy and threw in the towel. I was the local beating doll for everyone at that time. Good ties that I had with Rathe/Arzaeth/Ambryr whatever you wanna call him were broken due to a note I wrote to immortla that just happened to be about one of his character. I thought I was justified in what I said, he did not and went into a bit of a rage, the slay command won on that one :D Then I got slayed on another character for saying 'okay' by some imm I cant remember. Bryntryst never really had any love for me I don't think.

Anyhow, the point im trying to make is you cant just pull imm's out of the woodwork. I'd NEVER want anyone that cant be wholey trusted by the IMPS to even be granted a lvl 52 immortal. You might believe that at that low a level, how can they abuse anything? VERY easily.

Anyhow, enough rambling from me also, if my post is unnecessary, feel free to remove it.

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Alright I may be stepping out of line here but when Malynne and a certain other immortal were brought into being (at approximately the same time) is when I left. I made a statement on the forum about them possibly being 'not so appropriate' for the job, knowing they had many OOC's friends, and at the time (being a member) Savant had turned into a hippy 'friends' group. I made valid points, and I have many logs of chats with Malynne where she could not come up with a single valid retort. Somehow I felt discriminated against before they even knew my character, like there was some sort of weird little group happening in there. Not only this but I saw both the characters that became immortal comit ingame illegalities.

So I voiced my opinion and copped a ban at the time. From what I heard some powers were somewhat abused (or favouritism given in instances). I don't know for sure, I spat the dummy and threw in the towel. I was the local beating doll for everyone at that time. Good ties that I had with Rathe/Arzaeth/Ambryr whatever you wanna call him were broken due to a note I wrote to immortla that just happened to be about one of his character. I thought I was justified in what I said, he did not and went into a bit of a rage, the slay command won on that one :D Then I got slayed on another character for saying 'okay' by some imm I cant remember. Bryntryst never really had any love for me I don't think.

Anyhow, the point im trying to make is you cant just pull imm's out of the woodwork. I'd NEVER want anyone that cant be wholey trusted by the IMPS to even be granted a lvl 52 immortal. You might believe that at that low a level, how can they abuse anything? VERY easily.

Anyhow, enough rambling from me also, if my post is unnecessary, feel free to remove it.

Logs of what, without me being able to make a valid retort? You were banned for outright calling me a B!tch on the forums because you did not like the fact I was made an imm. That plain and simple.

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