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Alright,my forum ban was just removed and I got a great idea how to make more immortals that would Rp and keep the same playerbase as well:

Call up the old trusted players that don't play but will be willing to be immortals.This way you keep players and make new immortals.I know two guys that will return if you make them level 52 immortals to make the mud more fun.Venom and Unknown Criminal are those that I know.

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The issue isn't that there are not enough imms, and I don't understand why people think this. The population of the mud is not as big as it used to be. The issue, if one really does exist at all, is with the dedication of players, in their level of comittment to developing rp. Adding more imms does not make rp better, it makes more imms who have little to nothing to do. Desc checks get really boring after a while, and if players left and being an imm brings them back, then those really aren't the people that should be imms anyway. People who make good imms are the ones that want to be here. A disenchanted player makes for a disenchanted immortal.


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The issue isn't that there are not enough imms, and I don't understand why people think this. The population of the mud is not as big as it used to be. The issue, if one really does exist at all, is with the dedication of players, in their level of comittment to developing rp. Adding more imms does not make rp better, it makes more imms who have little to nothing to do. Desc checks get really boring after a while, and if players left and being an imm brings them back, then those really aren't the people that should be imms anyway. People who make good imms are the ones that want to be here. A disenchanted player makes for a disenchanted immortal.


Excuse me?Where are the immortal quest rewards,where are the tournaments?When immortal interacts with you,there is a meaning to play there is some motivation.

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So adding four new imms from players who don't want to be here as players, as going to fix this? If the people you mentioned aren't interested in playing, then why do they want to be an imm? Because it's certainly not because they want to see the mud get better, because if that were the case they would still be here, but they aren't, are they? So you want to add three new imms who apperantly would come back only to be an imm... why? Because of the power it has? Level 52 gets crap, and I mean that both ways. LEvel 52 imms don't have a whole lot they can do, and they get an awful lot of attitude, if you aren't 100% into being an imm, you won't stay, history shows this to be true.


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Listen chief,do whatever you want.If it is up to me I will make four new immortals to interract the Pbase more,to give quests and interesting quizes.You said that level 52 immortals got almost no power,then what is the reason not to try to make it more entartaining this way?

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Adding imms is not the issue, players can run their own interactions, if people roleplay for just a reward, it's bug****, people should rp because it's a pk rp mud. If people don't like rp for the sake of rp they can go play somewhere else without enforced rp. Anything a level 52 can do, a level 50 player, with any dedication, can do him or herself.

If players would take advantage of what they have available to them, they could, and have, produce some great story lines.

Did you read any of the previous threads on the matter, 52's can **** up the mud just as bad as any other imm. It's a trust issue.


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Excuse me?Where are the immortal quest rewards' date='where are the tournaments?When immortal interacts with you,there is a meaning to play there is some motivation.[/quote']

Seems like to me, immortal interaction usually goes to those who are already motivated, who already have their meaning to play, regardless. Also, from what I hear, there has been a lot of positive feedback from cabals on their imms, notably Eshaine and Raargant so there isn't any sort of shortage. Probably the only difference is that you don't see them on the who list as much, but even that has its benefits. WC is dead on when he says that a small, dedicated staff is better than a large, bickering one.

Sure, imm interaction is an ego boost, but y'all are over-stating the impact. Plus, it's a good thing when people have to work harder to get noticed.

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Can't you understand that the imm's are the people who give the whole motivation to play.I will give you an example:You are complete newbie and haven't trained any skills and you think that you have no chance of being a knight for example.Then Raargant tells you that if you master your skills and Pk two people you will join.This is the motivation I am talking about.Noone I mean noone of the pbase can interract you more than an Immortal will do.

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Seems like to me, immortal interaction usually goes to those who are already motivated, who already have their meaning to play, regardless. Also, from what I hear, there has been a lot of positive feedback from cabals on their imms, notably Eshaine and Raargant so there isn't any sort of shortage. Probably the only difference is that you don't see them on the who list as much, but even that has its benefits. WC is dead on when he says that a small, dedicated staff is better than a large, bickering one.

Sure, imm interaction is an ego boost, but y'all are over-stating the impact. Plus, it's a good thing when people have to work harder to get noticed.

No dear the whole thing is that there is immortal interraction once a month or maybe less.To be honest I haven't Rp'ed with an immortal for two years.If we don't count the deep **** summons ;)

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If we don't count the deep **** summons ;)

So many things I could say to this, but that aside - I'm given pretty high acclaim for playing Sereniel. I didn't interact with any immortals for the first thousand hours. Period. Imm interaction doesn't make a quality player. It can help, it can be nice, but you're wrong.

Edit: And don't be patronizing. I use indigo font, but I'm not clueless.

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Can't you understand that the imm's are the people who give the whole motivation to play.I will give you an example:You are complete newbie and haven't trained any skills and you think that you have no chance of being a knight for example.Then Raargant tells you that if you master your skills and Pk two people you will join.This is the motivation I am talking about.Noone I mean noone of the pbase can interract you more than an Immortal will do.

Or if the Knight Leader tells you to do this...

Or if your clan mates tells you to do this...

Or if you come to the forum and the community tells you to do this...

Are you looking for motivation or for rp? Those are two very different things.

I play the game because I want to play, not because an imm is pushing me to.

No dear the whole thing is that there is immortal interraction once a month or maybe less.To be honest I haven't Rp'ed with an immortal for two years.If we don't count the deep **** summons ;)

Really, I took six months off, came back, and I get more than enough imm interaction to keep me happy. Perhaps it's how you present yourself in game?


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I'm not exactly what cheating you refer to. If it's having out of game knowledge then logging on their mortal well, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would give up morts even for good, or if you made like a span where they couldn't play morts. But if someone was into the game enough and loved it enough to help it work smoother then I think they would be ok with giving up their mortal chars.

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...I'm sure there are plenty of people who would give up morts even for good' date=' or if you made like a span where they couldn't play morts..[/quote']

The point is not that the IMMs want to keep recruits from cheating. They want recruits they can trust so that it's not even an issue.

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