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Ok ok, here is a real tip:

Use alias's for herbs or spells.

#alias {f} {c fireball}

#alias {bowl} {open back; get bowl back; smoke bowl}

#alias {c} {charge @target}

#trigger {@target limps north} {n; c}

#alias {run} {w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; s; w; w; w; s; s; w; w; s; w; n; open d; d; close u; d; s;...}

#alias {gy} {quaff gyvel}

#alias {drool} {em drools all over himself while looking at the pretty girls.}

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It's also a good idea when you're in a fight where you expect to have to do a bit of chasing, to figure out what your usual opener is and quickly "alias k ". Being able to start the fight with a quick, instinctive command that requires all of two keystrokes makes far more of a difference than you might think... for any character with melee skills, by default I have murder aliased to k often before level 10 since murder will still target mobs. ;)

I'm not a fan of triggers, though... they can get you into some serious trouble if you forget to turn them off at the right time.

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Now you're just being cynical. That isn't what he wrote. He wrote find a viable combo that you wanna stick with and learn. Don't gimp yourself on purpose (as a suggestion). Because RP isn't as fun if you keep getting pk'd because you can't stand up to people.

So find a combo you wanna pk with, then build an rp around it. You can do it the other way. But put a filter in. Come up with an RP, but if you can't find a viable pk combo to fit the rp, tweak the rp until you can.

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