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Thyvik Gar


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This isn't a delete thread as such, more of an "on hold until I have more time to play" thread. He may make a return in one form or another, but I doubt he'll ever be as active as he was during his prime.

I've already been rare purged, and I'll be leaving Nexus once I get home from work to allow some of the active Despairlings some space to apply.

I made Thyvik as sort of a revisit of my earlier FG Zerk in Nexus, Fistilantus. I wanted to test out their potential with a different weapon choice to see how well they could do against the other top-end melees.

I had an excellent time with him, and over his life I was really able to flesh out the character through numerous interactions and events that shaped his personality. He was supposed to come off as surly, violent and very proud of his physical strength. It was challenging and fun to play a low int class and think of ways to reflect their low intelligence other than just slurring his speech and talking like an infant.

This is a short shout-out list in no real order that I may add to later:

Volgathras - Thanks for all the interaction while I was in Nexus. You play the leader of a chaotic evil cabal excellently, and make it very fun to play under your leadership.

Thulgan - For the same reasons as above, and being generally excellent in both PK, RP and army commanding.

Kadrinath - We had a lot of excellent duels, and went on numerous gear trips for no reason other than to see if we could do it ourselves. One of the key characters in developing Thyvik's personality.

Ugresh - For general awesomeness and showing a dedication that inspired me at times to fight against the odds, even if I didn't feel like it. Many times I was glad I did, as good fun/pk was a result.

Leodinak - We always had very close fights, I had to get my preps just right in order to pull off anything.

Istendil - One of Thyvik's major enemies for the majority of his life. I think after all our fighting and abuse we only killed each other once.

To anyone else I'm forgetting - You were probably awesome as well.

I've gotten a few PMs regarding berzerker tips, and I'm still happy to answer questions despite not being as active lately.

Peace out,


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