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forsakenlandsroller.50megs.com: scroll down and get the tick timer. Like I say in the plug's description:

Get out your favorite text editor and open up the plugin file. You'll need to change some of the code for this plugin to work with your own personal prompt. The prompt will need to have the hour listed somewhere. If you don't know how to list the hour in your prompt you're already in trouble. Ask on the forums and you should get friendly hugs and help.

It works this way because the timer watches the hour in your promt, stores it as a variable, and resets the timer when the hour changes. You don't need one-hundred thousand "You rub the dirt out of your eyes." triggers to reset the timer. Because of this, though, your promt won't work unless it's like mine or unless I show you how to change the bits in the plugin's text that you need to change.

If you just want to give it a test run with my own prompt first, save yours!, then do:

prompt %n%p%C[%h/%H %m/%M %v/%V %X %g %i %t]

And damnit, wouldn't you know I did "prompt show" to see what my current prompt was and I got "show" as a prompt. There goes all the fancy coloring. Meh, it's good enough for you to see how the ticker works before you worry about changing around triggers and stuff in the xml file.

I tried to comment the script file with the things you'll need to change. It might be towards the middle of the xml file since the plugin puts triggers, timers, and script all in one bundle for the plugins. If you have experience opening up Mushclient bits in text editors and know a bit about regualr expressions you might be able to do it without my help. Otherwise I'll help a few people and that should be enough for other people to see what needs to be done.

It still isn't a perfect timer. With the randomized ticks in FL you will never have one. Right now the timer is set to let you know when it's been twenty-five seconds since the last tick. If you go a long time without your promt being reset by an echo or a spell dropping the 25s warnings will start coming real late. You can change when the timer fires the warning by going into the xml file and finding the 'offset' and setting it back say, five seconds more to 10 seconds, and just making the world.note say twenty since or something.

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I remember making this exact timer the same day back on AR when they allowed us to put the time in our prompt. Its very, very easy to do and is certainly a nice add-on. Certainly a good bit to have on any client mod. I posted a short list of what all you can get from the mod I have made for FL. Though I decided not to post it publically. The newest addition is about to be put in, which I find rather useful.

I'll post it here, why not. It's called simply 'Scribe' within my zmud Mod. What it will do is open a text box and it will parse this text into note/app/description format and auto-input them into the mud so you don't have to cut/paste from any other files...or if you do, you can do it all at once.

It will auto-formate for app, note, and descriptions and makes putting text files into those forms easy and quick. Say goodbye to typing App +, and Desc edit, or Note +...

Yay...small cheer for myself and probably yet another mod no one will use but me, lol.

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  • 1 year later...

in wintin you just take fixed events and have the timer reset and turn on everytime they occur, the sun rising, the tower bells in towns, the shift notices the sun setting, and any weather effect.

like so..

#action {Lightning flashes in the sky.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The blizzard has slowed down.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The clouds disappear.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The day has begun.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The lightning has stopped.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The night has begun.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The rain stopped.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The sky is getting cloudy.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The sun rises in the east.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

#action {The sun slowly disappears in the west.} {#tickon;#ticksize 30;#tickset} {5}

not only does this set your timer, but it recalibrates it at LEAST two or more times every mud day. Dont do it on spell effects fading though, as you will get dispeled and your timer will go whacko. I am sure you can do a similar thing in zmud or any other client that lets you manually reset the timer, but i like wintin so :P

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