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I've somewhat disappeared from this place, for several reasons. I've been working on creating something for my life, and something big. I'm 21 years old, and I am managing my own foster home. Soon I will be registered by the state to be a 'provider' for one by myself. This means I will own every part of my business and have no boss. This is something I never dreamed could come so early.

This home will be for mentally handicapped adults. They need help living out their lives in healthy ways. (Not spending all their money on one thing so that they can't eat, learning how to have a clean home, keep a garden, manage money, etc.) I will live there essentially 100% of the time, until I manage to hire staff to give me small respite periods. I might have an hour or two a night of pure freedom to do what I please, when the guys are in bed, but it should be awhile before it's enough time to roll anything. I will probably just troll.

Even if I do have free time, the likelihood I will have something going is questionable. I had several good ideas, and found the restrictions on my ability to RP them a hindrance. If I can make a suggestion to take or leave, I would say most any restring should be accepted if it's not completely 100% profane, obnoxious, or impossible. This stopped me in my tracks twice so far, since I've tried to return. I don't get annoyed, upset, or anything. I just lose interest and find something else to do. I haven't played since you all stopped seeing Ithelani around. She was a moderate with a suit of common eq, so I am not rare hoarding.

I hope FL grows, and I hope when I manage to come back that it will be as fun as I remember! :)

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I hope you know what you're getting into... dealing with the handicapped can be extremely difficult, and even dangerous (a good friend of mine works in this field, and his client is a 300lb 6'4" guy who goes into what my friend calls "rage seizures" and starts biting - people working with him have lost good chunks of flesh in the past, but apparently he's normally an incredibly nice guy and has no memory of his seizures). I'm not at all trying to talk you out of it, but understand that it's a job with a number of risks.

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a good friend of mine works in this field, and his client is a 300lb 6'4" guy who goes into what my friend calls "rage seizures" and starts biting - people working with him have lost good chunks of flesh in the past, but apparently he's normally an incredibly nice guy and has no memory of his seizures

All my best wishes for your "friend" and his "client" in their times of need. And if you ever need to talk about your rage seizures, Pali, we are here to help.

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