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Dwarf vs Duergar


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Saves vulns and resists are overrated! Check out the Thulgan-Klemsor log...

Ogre hitpoints/hp regen are not overrated however:P

Vulns can be reduced greatly with the right equipment. In some PK experiences of my own, I've noticed some amazing things get through when a character's saves are too high. Interesting stuff.

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MisterE' date=' I disagree with an experience penalty being hardcoded into my character based on an assumption of PK style.[/quote']

So should players who do not use/know the underdark apply to get reduced exp penalties on races who can dig? There are multiple factors that play in to calculating an exp penalty so for the sake of overall balance the Imms paint with a broad brush, I really think this is a trivial matter...since the latest revamp of race and class penalties there have not been many complaints or problems that I know of.

I said then and will say now that what should have been done in the revamp is a unique penalty applied to each combination not to the race and class individually because clearly some combos are much better than others.

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I agree to disagree. Playing style is alignment' date=' ethos governed. Who says a good aligned dwarf blademaster would be any less aggressive against evils than a duergar blademaster against good aligned characters? It doesn't add up. I think it's poor form to favor aggressive PK for evils and not for goods.[/quote']

I have to agree here. This is more than just a staff opinion though. Try playing a purity character. Make them act just as the purity help-file outlines, and get ready for all the evil players who get mad when you kill them, for being to aggressive.

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The difference is the good BLM will only be that aggro vs evils whereas the evil BLM will be that aggro vs goods, neuts, and evils. That is where some of the added exp pen comes from.

NOBODY will stop a purity anything from pking their brains out on every evil they see (except healers). If evil characters complain about being pked by a purity good that is their own problem and it does not in any way correlate to the quality of the RP by the good BLM in question.

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  • Implementor

A char should have a motivation to kill someone no matter their align.

That being said,

neutrals need the most solid reason to kill anyone. Greed (I wanted their eq) does not cut it here, they need further motivation.

An evil or a good killing each other can be done solely based on align if rped right. A purity follower, let alone an avatar - should - go out and aggressively kill evils. This does not mean they should go after the rank 45 if there are 3 other evil 50s around as an avatar (qrace/class) nor that they should make a habbit of taking out ranking groups.

The same applies for an evil, let us say a malforming dk. If he goes all the time JUST for the weakest opponent they will be spoken to about this, especially if he ping pongs between two weak victims. (We've spoken to a dk in this scenario many many times.)

The same would not apply to a follower of compassion for example. Why would such a person go out and pk every evil he can get? That does not fit their religion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A neutral greed thief should have every reason to actively rob anyone in the room with them.

Neutral thieves need more justification for their actions than any other thief from my experience. I was not allowed to rob people as that feral I played (the one that blackjacked you on rheydin wall when you played grum) just because I wanted/needed armor, or even if I had a problem with you. I needed hardcore reasons for my aggression. Thats most of the reason I gave him up. I was under the assumption that wonton murder, lying, and treachery made me evil, not petty theft, but after it was explained to me that those acts where taken as evil and if I continued I would probably suffer RP penalties for not properly playing a neutral.

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Personally I use the 'acting soley out of self need = evil' as the litmus test. Several of my neutral characters have let 'easy' eq pinata's walk by simply becasue the only reason I could think of to break them open was that I want their shinies....

In comparison my drow/fire giant/evil ogre/illithid characters suffer no such compunctions....:cool:


PS - as for the initial questions I thought dwarf and duergar having different stats helped with RP and the flavour of the game, however, there is a very large difference (in comparison to elf/drow for example) which has always made me wonder.

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From my understanding Dwarfs/Duergars were resistant to disease and not just spells in general. Halflings were resistant to magic in general and if the code for it hasn't changed I believe the base for them was a standard -10 saves to spell where as the other two were -10 to mals as a base. Their Constitution helps lower the chances to get plague and such further being that it's so high. I could be horribly wrong though.

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