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Bailen and Garacci


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So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.

Been a grand time with Bailen and Garacci. But school is starting, and I don't have the time to put into it.

Bailen was a fun run to relearn some pk. Had a lot of fun with him. His rp seemed lacking, and eventually he just fizzled.

Garacci had a lot more RP backing and I had a lot of fun with him. The pk aspect was great, but I just couldn't seem to get an even footing with the Knights always taking my item. When the standard is being taken, that's first priority. and If it gets taken, getting it back is, again, first priority. I'm not a fan of logging out during such times, and I often paid for it. But the moments I succeeded were sweet.

Shout out to the IMMs for all they've done for me personally across many of my characters, and for a lot of specific help across my last two. Thanks for all your patience and help. You're a great example of selfless service and camaraderie. I tip my hat to you.

P-base, keep it real.

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Had some fun fights with Garacci. Was fun bantering back and forth and how our relationship would bounce back and forth depending on what duties we both had. Haha. I was interested to see how my current combination worked out against a vampire and I was very pleasantly surprised, although you did land one abduct on me...:cool:

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