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My Brothers and Sisters of Aabahran!


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What we need is people to stop seperating RP from PK in their minds. Because RP is your character living and dieing in FL. Being killed by other players' date=' or killing other players is as much a defining part of your RP as what flavor tea you like. :cool:[/quote']

I have always said that RP is not only sending annoying notes all the time and drinking tea with mobs, as you know actions speak before everything else in RL and in the game aswell.If you want to back up your RP with talks it is good, but RP for itself is what you do and how your character sees the world and the environment in FL.

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If your character have made a name in the eyes of the other players, like scum, rogue, silent assassin, entertainer, jester, witch or something else then your character has a soul.This is how I understand RP.I have always been amused by people thinking that after each kill you should sit there and explain to them why you did it, about your difficult childhood or etc.

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*shakes his head sadly*

If you want to be an AI bot, go for it Nightmare. However, I wouldn't OOC'ly call notes "annoying". I'm sorry you only care for kill kill kill is the name of my game. You're missing out on quite a bit.

Secondly, if we take the whole "PK is RP, stop separating them" look all the time, it's bull****. There are TWO types of PK. The PK that the character knows of death and living. Then there's the player PK, knowledge of equipment, strategies, etc...that transcends the character and the player uses and gains over time.

This second type of PK has NOTHING to do with RP. I'm tired of hearing PK is RP when it's only that half the time. I had myself a little go at that when I played a h-elf warrior. I went something like 0-29 via PK. The few times I could have won, I didn't chase fast enough and my opponent LOGGED. A second version of RP? Each one has an OOC mechanic attached to it from the player.

Now, back to my 0-29. What does that do to the psychology of a character? Well, if this character hadn't gotten a fresh start, he would have been done. Truthfully, if a character let that sink into his/her skull that another character is superior because they will ALWAYS die to them, they will most of the time become submissive (Pavlov), a learned reaction. I maintain that this begins a dissatisfaction with play which begins to separate the character from his original RP in some cases and causes the player to lose interest.

This leads us to the "search for answers". If a player is going to have his/her fun ruined by someone who KNOWS he/she has superiority in the latter PK sense, then to resubmerge into the character, he/she naturally reaches out to the enemy, the source of death, to try to understand the source. A passive form of trying to avoid death without becoming totally submissive to death.

So, the next time someone says "PK is RP" and (I paraphrase here) You earned your label, I would ask that you not try to simplify for the sake of not extracting all possible questions/venues.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that somewhere above 75% of shout-outs are exclusively great "skirmishes, fights, beatings". I don't know why, but I don't like that part of the forum much.

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Valek Valek... the moment you actually start caring about PK you will get better at PK. But it seems you care more about writing all kind of silly essays and expect that people will break their RP and have a tea party with you just cause you think PKing sux.

Look at what you just did - you attacked Nightmare's post without even bothering to look at things from his point of view.

You know what - my demon DK can pretend to be good too, and he is actually quite good in doing so, but that doesn't make him good now, does it? Nope, because he goes out and kills elves, then rapes their wives and enslaves their children.

*shakes his head sadly*

PS. RP is like love - if you don't back it up with real actions then something just doesn't feel right. You can throw a thousand tea parties with your dwarf cleric sigil leader, but when the time comes and that evil character RPs а repent or something, you are expected to act warm and forgiving, not throw a "Die evil manipulating bastard!", even though you know he is lying just to save his pansy arse.

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This year we saw many visiting elders. So Umm Yeah.

Time is a dragon that eats and eats, and shares little with us its masters.

Envy is a Demon that consumes the weak willed and motivates the strong to take over.

And Video is a snake that poisons the mind and slows the players reflexes, meaning those who attempt to return are caught off guard and become fodder to the FAITHFUL of Aabahran.

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*shakes his head sadly*

If you want to be an AI bot, go for it Nightmare. However, I wouldn't OOC'ly call notes "annoying". I'm sorry you only care for kill kill kill is the name of my game. You're missing out on quite a bit.

Secondly, if we take the whole "PK is RP, stop separating them" look all the time, it's bull****. There are TWO types of PK. The PK that the character knows of death and living. Then there's the player PK, knowledge of equipment, strategies, etc...that transcends the character and the player uses and gains over time.

This second type of PK has NOTHING to do with RP. I'm tired of hearing PK is RP when it's only that half the time. I had myself a little go at that when I played a h-elf warrior. I went something like 0-29 via PK. The few times I could have won, I didn't chase fast enough and my opponent LOGGED. A second version of RP? Each one has an OOC mechanic attached to it from the player.

Now, back to my 0-29. What does that do to the psychology of a character? Well, if this character hadn't gotten a fresh start, he would have been done. Truthfully, if a character let that sink into his/her skull that another character is superior because they will ALWAYS die to them, they will most of the time become submissive (Pavlov), a learned reaction. I maintain that this begins a dissatisfaction with play which begins to separate the character from his original RP in some cases and causes the player to lose interest.

This leads us to the "search for answers". If a player is going to have his/her fun ruined by someone who KNOWS he/she has superiority in the latter PK sense, then to resubmerge into the character, he/she naturally reaches out to the enemy, the source of death, to try to understand the source. A passive form of trying to avoid death without becoming totally submissive to death.

So, the next time someone says "PK is RP" and (I paraphrase here) You earned your label, I would ask that you not try to simplify for the sake of not extracting all possible questions/venues.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that somewhere above 75% of shout-outs are exclusively great "skirmishes, fights, beatings". I don't know why, but I don't like that part of the forum much.

if I kicked in your front door and started lighting things on fire, would you tell me "I should rp more" no.

it is a fallacy, to have a character come up and kick dirt in your eyes, then claim its not "RP" define RP!

"A role-playing game (RPG) is a broad family of games in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting or a recreation of a setting derived from reality. ..."

Your character EXISTS in the world of FL. In this world, other characters can harm you, they can come up, and without your permission or good intentions in mind, beat you and strip you naked. To claim that this interaction is not a part of your character life (aka seperate RP and PK) is bad Roleplaying.

Roleplaying encompases everything about your character, and your reactions to it as your character. Your character may be the victim of a thief, or a murderous priest. This is life in the forsaken lands. Saying "stop killing me, i want to talk more" is you attempting to NOT RP, you are trying to GM an uncontrollable portion of the world, other players.

Someone who rolls a character then berrates those who are RPing their thieves/murderers, for acting out their RP is hipocracy.

There is one type of PK, it is a PK that occurs in FL. There is never a time when your in FL and not in character, PK is an integral part of ANY well RP'ed character, be they a victim, a stalwart protector, or the murderer themseves. The only time being killed or killing someone is an avoidable part of FL is when you are mechanically protected from it via diplomacy (which is an rp reason to not be in pk..btw) or an adventurer.

This effects "rp" in a major way. If you want to be that badass evil priest, you have to have the pkill skills to backup your mouth. You have to actually succeed in the world, be quick, know the lands, to be that wicked paladin slaying evils. You cant just pretend, and thats that, you have to earn it. So not everyone can be the infallable mage, it has to be earned through RP and PK together, working in tandem to write a story and be the hero/villian yourself.

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Mhhhmmm. You can think of it as only one dimensional if you want.

Until you bother to extropalate beyond the world (GM if you want to call it that) then you will continue to shatter the faith of those who return from long times away and those who come here new.

Take it or leave it, I have put my silly little essay on the table.

But I've got about 9 hours of research ahead of me so I can start working on more of my "silly essays" so I can have a degree. Good luck, Aabahran. Yes, I provided the catalyst that openedt his can of worms.

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Mhhhmmm. You can think of it as only one dimensional if you want.

Until you bother to extropalate beyond the world (GM if you want to call it that) then you will continue to shatter the faith of those who return from long times away and those who come here new.

Take it or leave it, I have put my silly little essay on the table.

extrapolate beyond the world?? Isnt that OOC?

when I play my character, it is my characters goals and ideas that take priority.

If my character happens to be aligned with you some way (goals/ethos/etc etc) then i will be your friend, if your my enemy, then I will be your enemy. It doesnt matter who is new or not. That is the way we shold play the game. Twinblades was my ally on an alt, then we were killing each other, Zrothum, Nameless, mindflayer, any of the old school players. We know each others habits and diction so well we can smell each other in an online txt based game, yet the RP, the IC of the game takes precedence when it comes to killing, veteran or not.

These actions are shaped by the environemt, the game itself. Just because I dont sit and chat before backstabbing someone, doesnt mean I do not RP, the action of attacking itself IS THE RP.

Not this "oh, I know I am a murderous snake, but your new..so I will rob you of the true experience that is FL and go ooc to help you"

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My input would be this: And I've posted several other mini essays in similar threads:

There are three main types of RP, imo.

Reactive RP, this is roleplay as you feel your character would respond to a situation given to him. He experiences the world and you as a player decide his next course of action based on his experiences and beliefs.

Egocentric RP, this is roleplay based solely on your character and his own goals and (potential/desired) accomplishments. This type of RP requires someone to join in your RP, or else you will be alone and you are in solo RP.

Solo RP, this is roleplay that either consists of no characters but yourself, or yourself and something imm controlled, that doesn't represent another player.

I make these differences, not because any RP is better than another, this is impossible. I make the differences to shed some clarity on what can be expected from each. None of these types will make your character more successful than another type of RP. And you are NEVER bound to just one type, it is likely you will experience all three, frequently if you invite them.

Egocentric RP is the most easily creative RP because you are in complete control of everything your character thinks, is, does, you know his timeline and his plans. If you wish to be the center of attention or a plot, have responsibilities such as keeping in contact with many other characters, this is the type of RP you will likely enjoy most. Sometimes it can be disappointing if you only try to create an egocentric RP plot. If you are getting few results, try a more reactive RP approach, or work on your ideas alone until someone interested comes along.

Reactive RP is a lighter, more go-with-the-flow type of RP. It requires you to do very little background work, or solidifying your character as a common name. Many people prefer this lower level of pressure, for instance you can back out of an RP plot if you don't have time as a player. A whole plan will not necessarily fall apart if you don't follow through.

Solo RP is a great way to prove your commitment to a character's RP, as if you are snooped by an imm, you are showing the truest, least affected version of yourself. It is also a way, by saving logs, to advance your character, his goals, or a plot he may be involved with.

Nothing about RP is absolute, and there is no real wrong way to RP... aside from NOT RPing, (OOC conduct) It enriches pk, the depth of your character and the ambiance of the game.

That being reiterated... it seems like when someone wants people to 'sit and tea party with them' style, you're looking for EVERYONE to have egocentric RP. If someone attacks you without so much as a word, they may be working on their solo RP: That of a quiet assassin. This is why I stress that it might be beneficial to create egocentric RP for people to enjoy. Personally, would I prefer that the DK was a witty, talented, and interesting individual? Sure. Should my character be upset that he isn't? No.

I've been a longstanding advocate of RP, and if I look back on threads past, I may even notice a changing of heart in the way I look at things. I will ALWAYS appreciate more open channels for RP, but will I berate someone who just wants to do things the button masher way? No, I've grown to understand and respect that method. Are there still choices that can ruin someone's day? Sure, looting someone you didn't kill, full looting mithril and medallions, certain things are still rude. But just because you got caught with your pants down, doesn't mean he's a piece of ****.

The ability to be killed, without reason, and without understanding is what makes FL a living, breathing entity, and often more than a game.

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Couple things that I felt like adding here:

- the majority of the quitters is back already, some even posted on this thread.

- I think some of our Vets have become too coddled. They are so used to not dying that they automatically call foul when they happen to die once in a blue moon. Dying is a part of fl. Even for vets. (If you almost never die, people perhaps need to use meaner tactics, so take it as a compliment if you get "fouled".) There is also an astonishing amout of vets out here who quit (stop playing the character, pout for a while and then roll something new) if their super char happens to die. The really hard thing is not to get decked and then dominate but to fall back on your feet once you have lost everything.

- There is nothing wrong with fullooting someone, esp. if they are a strong opponent who is a major danger to your character. If you choose not to do it, that is up to you but it is not illegal if they do it to you. What I personally do not like to see is people fullsacking someone they killed with absolute ease. That is just not necessary and will just lead to you being logged on alone, without opposition.

- This a rp enforced mud. Silent pk is not something we encourage. This does NOT mean you have to tell everyone in detail why you killed them. You do not even have to rp with your victim. BUT you have to rp. (Great example here is an elf who played a while back, his rp was that it was beneath him to talk all but the absolutely necessary with evils as that would just contaminate him. He did rp a lot with anyone neutral or good however.)

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Wow lots of anger in this thread. I haven't really played actively in a year or so - and that was a brief renewal - but I lurk the forums, and with a decent internet connection and some time I'm getting a bit of the bug back- what can i expect to see? Is there any active playbase right through from 10 - 50? Or is it just power leveled / trained characters? Same players always ending up in the same race / class / cabal combos? What is the dynamic like these days?

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What I personally do not like to see is people fullsacking someone they killed with absolute ease. That is just not necessary and will just lead to you being logged on alone, without opposition.

That's one kind of extropolating I'd like to see more often. Thinking: What's going to keep people logged on? The "true"* experience of FL or the postmodernism ideas that are starting to take hold.

Because, quite frankly, if people enjoy mopping the floor with their opponent until they log, well, **** that. There's just no reason. It begins to lose luster and fun after a while. At least for me. TBH, I prefer NOT being talked to after I've been killed.

I understand that it's a game. That it's to be kept in-game to a certain point. But if this game is to grow beyond it's current PB, as we have all been over before, we need to reconcile this community to some standard, some code that is less draconic and more postmodern. We might be retaining some people, we may have experienced a small amount of growth, but it's stuck in some ridiculous self-perpetuating cycle.

There's something we haven't covered yet, something at the edge of my thoughts I can't grab. Actually, I'm almost afraid of the playerbase growing. I know eventually I'm going to become obsolete by an increase in the PB. But I also know I could die tomorrow, so to hell with it. I'm 100% dedicated to bringing new thoughts into how this game is thought about.

***The word true has been footnoted to use the version of enlightenment as per Kyzarius's view of FL's experience.

EDIT: I guess you could say I'm on my own personal Crusade.

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The way I see PK being RP is by an episode of Voyager that I just recently saw. I forget the names of the characters in said episode, but a Betazoid (telepath who is supposed to read peoples emotions and I believe thoughts if honed in enough, Pali would probably know more) is basically a neutral rogue that is forced to conform to the good because they're shot some 70,000 light years from earth and all they know. This Betazoid has extreme rage pent up and shows no signs of it and thus after a while randomly kills a crew mate that he didn't know very well at all, simply because he could.

I agree that PK should have some form of RP backing because without RP to me PK is just meaningless. At first it was just to get better at PK, but then I found that with RP, PK is that much more fulfilling. I understand what Valek is saying and to a point I feel for him. Not everyone can be a great PKer, but what I see failed mentioned really from this is that we also have RP Cabals that will actually help you not be PKed on many levels, a PK tiered system that allows you to not be full looted anymore and still be viable. So my question here is this, why go on a personal crusade against PK heavy characters/people when this game practically prevents newer players and nonPKers from being PKed far more than anyone else?

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This post, I think, reveals an important cross-section of our player-base in regards to their general consideration of the game and, more importantly, one another.

I'll interject here with advice for use in the real world, and a reminder of community protocols which will on occaision be forcibly administered here on the forum boards (through censorship or banning). Our community has both purists and reformists, each with equally valued opinions and ideas. To the more militant among us; presenting your opinions in a 'loud' and combative manner will get your voice heard, but will make it unlikely anyone will listen. Many of us have good input that gets ignored or overshadowed by the fact that we use methods and language that are toxic to many. I implore you to construct your posts with more consideration - and this means not only presenting it in a respectful manner, but also being constructive. Employing an argument of "no one listens if I don't yell" is fallacy. In truth, fewer people listen if you do. Further, the "if i yell and you don't listen its your bad" mentality is counter-productive. The individuals here are not your subjects, not your subordinates, not your children. Treating them as such will only earn their ire.

To those of us who tend to be more reactionary; as mentioned, every opinion is valid, even if they directly conflict with our own. Becoming defensive and attacking in response only degrades the situation, and our community. Often in the medium of text it is difficult to accurately judge tones and inference, and we often fill in the blanks. Realize that this may be the case. If it isn't, and you find yourself the brunt of such an attack, I emplore you to be the adult, and curttail your reaction to be more in line with the maturity I'm sure we all possess.

Know that I will correct a situation if I feel it is getting out of hand, so in essence, practice common sense and restraint in your posts, or I will exercise it for you.

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So my question here is this' date=' why go on a personal crusade against PK heavy characters/people when this game practically prevents newer players and nonPKers from being PKed far more than anyone else?[/quote']

Because, in the end, the player who can only tolerate so much PK, who goes to the RP cabal or to the Blue Tier, finds himself/herself only halfway. The cabals were made with purist ideals in mind. They're entirely reactive to PK situations. In the Blue Tier, it was negotiated they not rise above V, which was mercifully changed to T. Blue's are not allowed qraces/classes, which forces an endurance of the Purist view if you want that part of the mud. Of course, enduring it isn't a guarantee you'll get it.

There are still reflections of how modernity is still in play here in FL. I'm not condoning whining. I went a little overboard in some of my posts, let too much pathos come through. Mainly because people have some doubts as to my ethos, which is understandable, so I attempt to balance with some form of logos, usually through discourse community specific jargon, a blend of FL and Education. In no way should I talk about "trollers". I'm trolling right now.

With that said, it was a mistake to bring in personal examples of my own. Making it personal never does much except in politics and no one likes politics. I value and respect every member of this community, no matter what their view point. Any occurence of a knee jerk reaction is more to what appear to be "simplified" answers that don't appear to be explored to a larger extent. You know it's a game and you take it too seriously when you're writing large chunks of paragraph that aren't scholarly, but contain some elements of such. However, it's another way to say how much you love the game.

This forum itself lends some life to the game. As does the Facebook page. As does Jibber's Forsaken Lands page. Those who used AIM in the past have also helped bring life to this game and shape it, for better or worse. It's safe to assume over 90% of the people still here used AIM at one point or another.

What we all love about FL is not just the danger, but the characters we encounter. After 10 years, I'm still running into original character, original RP. The PK has generally stayed the same by class, with a few differences depending on suit build and amount of curatives that have become available. But I guess these variables are comparative to one's own ability to type quickly and read faster, offsettable by aliases and highlighters, I might add.

Contrary to poplular belief, I'm not asking for hard-coded restraints on PK. We have them in the Blue Tier as a trade for not infringing on anymore purist rights. My request is for people to use restraint when they easily overpower their oppenent, when they take gear, and when they think about having a second go when the PK flag reappears. I'm well aware some classes are rewarded for killing as much as they can.

At the end of the day, there is a person in that character. People are not logical by nature. Gamers are FAR from logical by nature. Ever talk with gamers outside FL? They're like us and not like us. This game draws every type of gamer, but at the end of the day, only one type of gamer has the power to enforce their will. Those of us left here in FL have been called "zombies" in a dying waste land. Logically, we do our best to see this place thrive. Eventually we'll be the Little Engine that Could. How, I can't see yet. I can only speculate.

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Pk is easier to learn than RP. We also have more avenues for improving our pk such as class essays, pk tactics essays, and now eq databases too. People sort of treat RP like you have got it or you don't. I think the current staff has a few RPers who are really really good, I still think we'd benefit from more rewards/incentive to RP better and try harder at it even if we feel like PK is easier.

I've posted more than my fare share of whining delete threads and yet I continue to return, and that's because I am good enough at PK to hang in there with most of the big boys on a good day. The reason I don't see my characters through to the end is because my RP is not strong enough to carry me through the frustrating PK experiences.

I agree with Kyzarius that PK and RP are in a way inseparable, that we must always be RPing even when trying to avoid PK or when we chase it or in whatever we do. I also think that they still function off two completely separate skill sets and that the game would improve if all our players were better at both.

There have been a few instances throughout my FL career when I was pulled up to talk about PK, whether to be given advice on how to to better against a seemingly unbeatable foe or to be asked to take my foot off the throat of whomever I had the best of that day. I've never been pulled up to talk about RP and I sort of wish that would happen sometimes to me or anybody. In how many threads of people leaving (Erana, I got a job for you :P) did they say their RP got stale or they lost their RP etc... I know I'd often benefit a lot from a little nudge in the right direction ICly and also OOCly regarding my character and where they are going and how they are getting there.

The thing that separates RP and PK for most even when they don't need to be separate are the rewards. PK rewards are much more tangible and immediate, I think only a handful of players here really have the patience and know how to benefit in the long run from excellent RP. At the end of the day, to truly play a memorable character you need to excel in RP and hold your own in PK, Valek even you could do this if you rolled something quasi powerful and RPed your butt off.

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*nudges Mister E* I tried a Halfling Cleric. In Tribunal. That's supposedly powerful.

But, like I said, this isn't about me. It's about getting and retaining players. We can all "hang" to some extent. Players today want some gratification, not a monster that's going to kill them over and over.

The way I see it, if this RP/PK are so insperable, if this PK is so mighty, then if you go on a PK spree, I'd start expecting a RP reaction of your victims gathering together and kicking the crap out of you. It's only a fair RP reaction, right? You steamrolled them, so they found a way to steamroll you. That's the opposite extreme in non-constraint.

But I see I'm lacking ethos to the point of being unable to get my point across, so I'll cease and decist. Thank you for listening.

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Players today want some gratification, not a monster that's going to kill them over and over.

The way I see it, if this RP/PK are so insperable, if this PK is so mighty, then if you go on a PK spree, I'd start expecting a RP reaction of your victims gathering together and kicking the crap out of you. It's only a fair RP reaction, right? You steamrolled them, so they found a way to steamroll you. That's the opposite extreme in non-constraint.

In the world of FL such monsters do exist and to an extent players need them around. The idea of getting together a lynch mob to exterminate this threat is actually a great RP idea.

No matter how good someone is at PK, RP is still a more powerful tool. If you can focus on improving the quality of the RP that is ever present without being negative about the quality of PK that is prevalent, I think you can do your part in helping FL improve.

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The revelation I had that cooled my jets about PK is this: It's going to happen, and I am going to be bad at it. So what? RP is going to happen too. I don't need to be a PK monster to have fun with a great RP. My favorite past character was completely RP driven. Most fun I've ever had in the game. Did I get PK'd and lose horribly? Yes. Did it make me quit? No. And I still consider myself a new player. There are going to be new players that rage about dying, about not being able to instantly pick up the game and run with it. But that's really not the retention issue.

I will go ahead and shadow what Mister_E said. RP is a very powerful tool, even more so than PK.

Thing is, we can't expect everyone to RP a certain way, or even at a certain level. It comes very naturally to some, and others, like myself, really struggle with it.

What I disagree with, is the idea that PK rewards are more tangible. I don't remember the last time anyone was rewarded 2 levels and clan ranks for getting a PK. At 50, does it matter? No, not really. However, there's still titles to be given, marks to be left on the game, and most importantly, fun to be had. It might just be me, but I believe that both sets of rewards are very well worth it, and very enjoyable.

/end n00btalking.

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I have an idea to promote rp more in cabals(maybe).

Lets say two characters from two different cabals get into a very nice rp engagement. Whether allied or at war. Hell, even from the same cabal maybe. Maybe an immortal is paying attention. If not maybe one of the players could post and send the log into the imms. Rather than an exp bonus, or skill bonus or anything there could be some sort of rp bonus sent to the entire cabal(s) clearly stating that "this" character has set a good example. I think this might away some of the aspect of ctf back and forth and reward actually sitting and talking face to face. The reward could be cps, temporary cps gain, gold, etc. Perhaps a more clear example just in case this makes no sense to you:

Character A notices that character B has logged on and they are ov opposing cabals.

Rather than engage in CTF warfare or outright combat(this will likely come later anyhow) they decide to have a debate of sorts. It lasts 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, who knows.

Maybe an Imm was paying attention, maybe not. Again, logs could be sent in.

It would then be up to the discretion of the staff to reward those two players and their cabals respectively.

You log in and see:

"Player A(or B or C or ABC, you get the point) has proven their quality and honored your cause. For their efforts you have received 100cps/cpsgain +25 for the next 24 hours/etc"

I think this could be a great way to reward those players who want more focus on rp rather than pk and opens it up to the individuals whether or not they would just rather hack it out for a notch on their pk belt and a few cps or items or they could become outstanding examples of their cabal's causes. Maybe even more likely to be promoted than those who do not ever engage in this sort of thing, solely focusing on the pk side of things. After all, grunts hardly ever make it up the ladder.

Please dissect:)

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I have an idea to promote rp more in cabals(maybe).

Lets say two characters from two different cabals get into a very nice rp engagement. Whether allied or at war. Hell, even from the same cabal maybe. Maybe an immortal is paying attention. If not maybe one of the players could post and send the log into the imms. Rather than an exp bonus, or skill bonus or anything there could be some sort of rp bonus sent to the entire cabal(s) clearly stating that "this" character has set a good example. I think this might away some of the aspect of ctf back and forth and reward actually sitting and talking face to face. The reward could be cps, temporary cps gain, gold, etc. Perhaps a more clear example just in case this makes no sense to you:

Character A notices that character B has logged on and they are ov opposing cabals.

Rather than engage in CTF warfare or outright combat(this will likely come later anyhow) they decide to have a debate of sorts. It lasts 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, who knows.

Maybe an Imm was paying attention, maybe not. Again, logs could be sent in.

It would then be up to the discretion of the staff to reward those two players and their cabals respectively.

You log in and see:

"Player A(or B or C or ABC, you get the point) has proven their quality and honored your cause. For their efforts you have received 100cps/cpsgain +25 for the next 24 hours/etc"

I think this could be a great way to reward those players who want more focus on rp rather than pk and opens it up to the individuals whether or not they would just rather hack it out for a notch on their pk belt and a few cps or items or they could become outstanding examples of their cabal's causes. Maybe even more likely to be promoted than those who do not ever engage in this sort of thing, solely focusing on the pk side of things. After all, grunts hardly ever make it up the ladder.

Please dissect:)

Anytime I have even remotly left PK to the aside and focused on RP with a vendetta enemy, I have been penalized 250 cp.

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Anytime I have even remotly left PK to the aside and focused on RP with a vendetta enemy' date=' I have been penalized 250 cp.[/quote']

So, how do you feel about moving beyond that, of having the option opened to you? It would certainly open up a few venues for dealing with an Inductee of a hard coded vendetta'd cabal.

It also would open the possibility of player reformed/player driven cabal stories. Eventually, with enough of the right kind of characters taking hold of these cabals, we might see their bylaws changed to an extent. I'm just setting this out as a possible scenario, not a definitive one.

It's difficult sometimes to swallow the hard-coded RP of a cabal into the unique characters we sometimes try to align with the cabal. Most of us have been here long enough that we know what Savants are supposed to do. But not all of the PB wants to keep setting up their cabal options through their RP. Or, I should say, have their RP affected to the extent it dictates the who, how, what, when, where, and why of the PK.

I'm exhausted (4 hours of sleep), but it's refreshing to the mind to come and work on a project we're all so passionate about.

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