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Welp Nylis will be gone tonight and will be leaveing Watcher. Had an awesome time on her and learned a lot of things that will be helping my new project (totally excited about btw!!!). Shout out to tons of people I don't think there were many I didn't have some sort of interaction with, you guys made it fun. :) Bottom line is i tried most of what ppl gave me hints on to gear just learning all the high areas with yearning became so much of a pain I think I need to have a couple more long term pinned chars before I try a druid again, which I will for sure. Thanks and good gaming!! :)

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| Nylis || Protector of WARDER |


| Str: 21(21)^1 || Level: 50 Sex: F Age : 29(86h) |

| Int: 19(19) || Class: druid Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 19(19) || Race : werebeast Align: neutral |

| Dex: 21(19) || Hp : 874/874 Exp : 33497/484503 |

| Con: 20(20)^1 || Mana : 909/909 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 428/428 +Hit: 27 +Dam: 43 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Gradrel |

| Slash : -323 || Spell : -8 || Faith : Nature |

| Pierce: -342 || Afflictive : -5 || Weight: 287/425 |

| Blunt : -336 || Maledictive: -7 || Items : 27/36 |

| Magic : -245 || Mental : -13 || Prac : 12 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 9307 CP: 601 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| 1 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |

| You are wanted for crimes. Use "crimes" for details |


did what i could with what I knew! but thanks again for everyone being awesome to me and the occasional b.s :)

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